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How to make bird's nest and the effects of bird's nest

2020-09-29 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

How to make bird's nest and the effects of bird's nest

The effect of bird's nest

1. Replenish deficiency and nourish the stomach, relieve stomach coldness and vomiting. Nausea, retching, and bowel sounds caused by stomach yin deficiency.

2. Nourish the lungs and nourish yin, relieve cough due to lung deficiency, and reduce lung-qi lesions. Including asthma, shortness of breath, persistent cough, blood in sputum, hemoptysis, hemoptysis, bronchitis, sweating, and low hot flashes caused by lung yin deficiency.

3. Antiperspirant, qi deficiency, spleen deficiency, excessive sweating, frequent urination, and nocturia.

4. For those with symptoms such as weakness after illness, tuberculosis, and deficiency of middle qi, eating bird's nest can nourish yin and regulate the middle qi.

5. Bird's nest contains a variety of amino acids. Infants and children who eat it regularly can gain wisdom, increase thinking, resist allergies, and make up for their innate deficiencies.

6. Make people's skin smooth, elastic and shiny, thereby reducing wrinkles.

7. If pregnant women eat it during pregnancy, before and after delivery, it has the effect of preventing and repairing fetuses.

8. All sequelae caused by electrotherapy and chemotherapy, such as dry throat, sore throat, swelling, constipation, hoarseness, nausea, etc., can be significantly improved by eating bird's nest.

9. Bird's nest is a natural food that increases body fluids and contains a variety of amino acids, which can inhibit and counteract esophageal cancer, throat cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer, rectal cancer, etc.

10. Bird's nest is sweet in taste, nourishes yin and moisturizes dryness. It is a nutritious and beneficial food. It has the effect of health food therapy and is a popular health food among the public.

How to make bird's nest

Ingredients: 20 grams of dried bird’s nest, 200 grams of rock sugar.

How to do it:

Step1: Dried bird's nest, this kind of bird's nest should be called official bird's nest, it is in the shape of a cup;

Step2: Soak the bird's nest in water for about 4 hours;

Step3: Clean the swallow hairs and magazines in the bird's nest. The swallow hairs are very small. You can use tweezers to pick them up. Fill a bowl of water with a handful of bird's nests and hold them with your fingers. Dip the bird's nest into the water. The miscellaneous hairs will float on the water. Then take out the bird's nest and it will be clean. Anyway, I think cleaning swallow feathers is super troublesome. I think the price of bird’s nests in restaurants is mostly due to labor;

Step 4: After cleaning the swallow feathers, wash the bird's nest, change the water and soak the bird's nest. This time, don't use too much water, just enough to cover the bird's nest. Soak for a few more hours (the time depends on the texture of the bird's nest) until the bird's nest becomes soft.

Step5: Put rock sugar and about 500 grams of water in the pot, boil the rock sugar over high heat, skim off the foam with a spoon, pour the bird's nest and the soaking water into the pot, bring to a boil, then turn to low heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Can.