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What nutrients does flower armor have? How to make sixtieth birthday

2023-12-31 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

What nutrients does flower armor have? How to make sixtieth birthday

What nutrients does flower armor have?

Clam shells are rich in nutritional value. Each 100 grams of clam meat contains 10 grams of protein, 1.2 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of carbohydrates, as well as a variety of minerals and vitamins such as iodine, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc., while clam shells contain carbonic acid. Calcium, calcium phosphate, magnesium silicate, iodine, bromide salt, etc. Modern medical research has discovered that there is a substance called clamin in clams, which has anti-cancer effects by inhibiting tumor growth.

Huajia is salty and cold in taste, and has the functions of nourishing yin and moisturizing, diuresis and swelling, and softening and dispersing knots. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Clams are moist in nature and help body fluids, so they can moisten the five internal organs, quench thirst, and appetizer. Salty can enter the blood and soften hardness, so blood clots and old habits in housewives are also caused by cold and heat." In addition to this traditional use, clam tissue is chemically extracted and the extract is called clamin. Animal experiments have proven that clams have inhibitory and alleviating effects on sarcoma and ascites tumors in mice.

Cockroach meat and shellfish molluscs contain delta 7-cholesterol and 24-methylene cholesterol, which have the effect of lowering serum cholesterol. They have the unique effect of inhibiting the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver and accelerating the excretion of cholesterol, thereby making Cholesterol in the body decreases. They are more effective than the commonly used cholesterol-lowering drug sitosterol. People often feel a refreshing and pleasant feeling after eating clams and shellfish, which is undoubtedly beneficial to relieve some troublesome symptoms.

How to make Longjing flower armor

Soak the Longjing tea soup in boiling water and filter it to get a clear tea soup. Boil another half pot of water and add clams and shredded ginger. After the clams open, pour in the tea soup, mix and bring to a boil.

How to make steamed rice cakes with wine

Put the wine and clams into the pot together, cover and cook over high heat until the clams open, take out the meat; wash the cauliflower, cut it, boil it in salt water and take it out, cook the mixed sauce and cool it, then add the cauliflower; Mix the seasoning juice and clam meat cooking juice and cook over high heat. After boiling, add dissolved starch and mix evenly to make a filling. Pour in and heat. Then put on a plate, add the filling and cauliflower and garnish with grapefruit.

How to make Huajia Noodle Soup

Crush the garlic and blanch the cabbage until fragrant; sauté the garlic with two tablespoons of oil, add the clams, pour wine and soy sauce, add 2 tablespoons of water, stir-fry over high heat, cover the pot and simmer until the clams open, add the remaining seasonings and mix well. Remove the clams, add clear soup or water to the pot, bring to a boil, add salt to taste and turn off the heat; cook the thin noodles, put them into a noodle bowl, add the seasoned clear soup and put the fried sea melon seeds on the noodles , top with cabbage and serve.

How to make asparagus scallops

Method: Slice the peppers, blanch the clams, and take out the clam meat; cut the asparagus into sections, blanch for a while, and rinse with boiling water; take a pot, stir-fry the asparagus first, then add the clam meat and stir-fry together, and finally add the seasonings and chili and stir well.