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Black beans soaked in mature vinegar can nourish the kidneys, lose weight, and cause black hair. Can you take kidney-tonifying medicine during weight loss?

2023-12-30 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Black beans are one of the most nutritious legumes in daily life. Liked by many people. Eating more black beans can nourish the kidneys, and we know that soaking black beans in vinegar is one of the most healthy dietary methods. It can nourish the kidneys, lose weight, reduce hair loss, etc. It is a rare health care product in daily life. So we can also make our own vinegar-soaked black beans at home.

The method of soaking black beans in vinegar is very simple. I only need to buy black beans and vinegar. Note that black beans are round, so don’t buy black kidney beans. And when we make vinegar-soaked black beans, it’s best if the black beans have been fried.


2000 grams of black beans (if you eat a small amount, adjust the amount yourself) 6 bottles of mature vinegar, 3 glass jars with lids or 3 pickle jars


1 Wash the black beans with water and put them on a tray to dry until there is no moisture.

2 Fry the black beans in an iron pan for 5 minutes, then let cool

3. Put the black beans into the glass jar, position it 2/3, do not fill it full, then pour in the vinegar to cover the black beans, because the beans will expand, so you need to leave space for them.

4 It can be eaten after marinating for 1 month. Please keep it away from light.

5 You can eat it directly, or you can steam it in a steamer for 20-30 minutes, so that it will taste softer.

Black beans soaked in vinegar can be eaten after about a month. You should also be careful not to eat too much in a day. It is best to limit it to two tablespoons, otherwise it will affect your health. Especially for people with poor gastrointestinal problems, it is best not to eat it to avoid irritation. The intestines and stomach, on the contrary, will affect health. Moreover, it is best to eat black beans soaked in vinegar on an empty stomach in the morning.