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Do you know 4 common sense tips about drinking milk?

2024-01-19 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Do you know 4 common sense tips about drinking milk?

Do you know 4 common sense tips about drinking milk?

We often drink milk, but we still have a lot of confusion in our hearts, and some confusions have not been analyzed and answered in detail. Here are 4 common sense tips for drinking milk. Don’t drink milk all your life without knowing whether these methods are correct or not.

When is the best time to drink milk? Before or after a meal?

Some studies have found that if you eat the same meal and drink milk 30 minutes before the meal, you can effectively reduce the post-meal blood sugar response. Although it is also effective if you drink milk while eating, it is not as effective as 30 minutes before a meal. Therefore, if you drink milk before a meal at the right time, it can control the rise in blood sugar after a meal more effectively than drinking it after a meal. The delayed rise in blood sugar after a meal means that the feeling of satiety can last longer after a meal, and the synthesis of fat after a meal The risk will also be significantly reduced, which is very beneficial for preventing obesity.

In addition to milk, research also found that drinking soy milk, soup and other liquids 30 minutes before meals can reduce voluntary energy intake during meals. In other words, drinking some soup half an hour before a meal can automatically reduce your appetite during the meal, thus exerting the effect of sugar control. Therefore, whether it is to control blood sugar or prevent obesity, half an hour before a meal is the best time to drink milk. Of course, that's assuming you don't have lactose intolerance. If you really feel gastrointestinal discomfort after drinking milk on an empty stomach, or have adverse reactions to milk, you can replace it with yogurt, soy milk, etc.

I heard that drinking milk at night can help you sleep. Will drinking milk in the morning make you sleepy?

Milk is not a "hypnotic", but compared to other foods, it contains some ingredients that are helpful in preventing insomnia, such as calcium, vitamin B6, etc. Moreover, from the caloric point of view, milk has a strong sense of satiety. A small glass of milk can effectively relieve hunger and avoid being unable to sleep due to "hunger" before going to bed. Therefore, milk is a good choice for late night snacks. Using milk as a midnight snack is highly nutritious, easy to drink, not easy to overdose, and has low calories. It is far more beneficial to preventing obesity than eating instant noodles, noodles, biscuits, bread, kebabs, etc. In particular, the whey protein in milk and the conjugated linoleic acid in milk fat are both beneficial ingredients for building muscle and reducing fat.

Milk is a good late-night snack, but it does not mean that it cannot be drunk in the morning. It does not have such a hypnotic effect. So far, no research has found that drinking milk in the morning will cause drowsiness. But there is enough evidence to prove that consuming milk and cereal staple food together in the morning can enhance the nutritional value of breakfast, delay the rise in blood sugar after a meal, and effectively delay the onset of hunger. Therefore, drinking a glass of milk for breakfast is a very healthy choice.

I heard that drinking milk on an empty stomach is not good, is this true?

The so-called not drinking milk on an empty stomach is mainly due to concerns that some people are "lactose intolerant" and may experience abdominal distension, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other problems after drinking milk. If you eat some other food first and then drink milk, the discomfort will be less severe than if you drink it on an empty stomach. If you are not lactose intolerant, drinking milk on an empty stomach is completely fine. Various animal milks contain protein, fat and carbohydrate (lactose), and people who can digest lactose can make good use of them. Otherwise, there is no way to explain that babies and young animals can grow normally by drinking milk on an empty stomach. Therefore, whether you should drink milk on an empty stomach depends on your individual lactose digestion ability.

The nutritional value of milk is so high, is it better to drink more?

Everything must be done in moderation. According to my country’s dietary guidelines, it is recommended to consume dairy products equivalent to 300 grams of milk every day (about one and a half cups in a disposable paper cup). This is an average and does not mean you have to drink so much every day. Sometimes it is 200 grams and sometimes 400 grams, which is completely fine. Therefore, even if you drink a cup of milk in the morning and another cup as a late-night snack; or drink a cup of yogurt in the afternoon and a cup of milk in the evening, there is no need to worry.

What needs to be considered is that milk, yogurt, milk powder, cheese, etc. are all foods based on milk. They can provide protein, fat and carbohydrates. If you increase the intake of milk, you need to reduce the staple food and meat accordingly. , to ensure that the calories do not exceed the standard and the nutrition is balanced.