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What fruits are taboo for pregnant women? What foods should pregnant women not eat?

2023-12-31 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Fruit is very common. There are many types of fruits. Different fruits contain different nutrients. When eating different fruits, you should also pay attention to the appropriate amount, especially for some fruits with higher sugar content. Don't eat too much, as this will cause some damage to all aspects of the body. So what are the taboo fruits for pregnant women? There are many types.

When women are pregnant, they cannot choose fruits at will, otherwise it will be very harmful to their own health. So what are the taboo fruits for pregnant women? There are many types, which will be introduced in detail below.

Taboo fruits for pregnant women:


Although longan is rich in nutrients and is a good tonic, you should eat less or not eat it during pregnancy because it is warm in nature and pregnant women are often prone to yin deficiency and internal heat after pregnancy. Eating longan will heat up, causing pregnant women to have bowel movements. Dryness, dryness of mouth and tongue and fetal fever can easily lead to symptoms of threatened abortion such as vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain in pregnant women.


Women often experience drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and other reactions after pregnancy. They especially like to eat some sweet and sour fruits. Hawthorn is sour and sweet, and many pregnant women like to eat it. However, hawthorn has a certain excitatory effect on the uterus and can promote uterine contraction. If pregnant women consume large amounts of hawthorn and its products, it can easily lead to miscarriage.


The acidic taste of apricots is very hot and has the effect of sliding on the fetus. Since the fetus with pneumatosis is more severe in pregnancy, the principle of "prenatal cleansing" should generally be followed. The hot nature of apricot and its sliding properties are good for pregnant women. Big taboo, not suitable for consumption.

There are also other fruits, such as lychee - which can easily cause dry stool; watermelon, honeydew melon, cantaloupe, and peach - can easily cause diarrhea; jackfruit, durian - can easily cause loss of appetite; fresh bayberry - can easily cause hyperacidity, both Not suitable for consumption.

Through the above introduction, we have a good understanding of what fruits are taboo for pregnant women. Therefore, women should try not to choose these fruits when they are pregnant, otherwise they will cause great damage to their own health and will also affect the growth of the fetus. There are some effects. This approach is not conducive to the normal development of the fetus.