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Foods to Improve Sleep The Best Ways to Improve Sleep Quality

2024-01-23 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Nowadays, many people's sleep quality is not very good. This is also because many people have inappropriate eating behaviors before going to bed. For example, some people eat too much at night, causing stomach discomfort. This also has a great impact on the quality of sleep. Some people drink a lot of tea at night, which will also affect people's sleep. So what are the foods that can improve sleep?

What are the foods that improve sleep? There are many types of these foods. When choosing, you need to understand them first. This way, when used, they will be very helpful to all aspects of the human body.

Foods to improve sleep:

1. Walnut: Walnut is a nourishing and strong product that can cure weak nerves, forgetfulness, insomnia, dreaminess and poor diet. Eat some walnut kernels in the morning and evening every day, or take equal parts of walnut kernels, black sesame seeds, and mulberry leaves, and pound them into puree to make pills. Each pill is 5 grams. Take 1 pill twice a day to help you sleep.

2. Red dates: sweet and mild in nature, nourishes the stomach, strengthens the spleen, and replenishes qi. For insomniacs, use 30-60 grams of red dates alone, add a little sugar to make a decoction, and take it before going to bed every night. You can also take 20 red dates and 7 scallions, add 3000 ml of water, cook to 1000 ml, remove the residue and take it.

3. Wheat: Its nature and taste are sweet and mild, and it has the effect of nourishing blood and calming the nerves. Use 60 grams of floating wheat, 15 jujubes, 30 grams of licorice, 4 wrists of water, fry until it reaches 1 bowl, and take it in the morning and evening.

4. Mulberry: sweet and cold in nature, and has the function of nourishing blood and nourishing yin. People with insomnia can take 100 grams of mulberry, add an appropriate amount of water to decoction, and take it orally, 1 dose a day, and the course of treatment is not limited. You can also take mulberry paste, 1 tablespoon each time, 2-3 times a day, with warm water or rice wine.

5. Lotus seeds: Lotus seeds have the effect of nourishing the heart and calming the nerves. Those with heart palpitations, poor sleep, and weak spleen and stomach can remove the heart of lotus seeds and 10 grams of gorgon seeds, add an appropriate amount of glutinous rice to cook porridge, and add 1 large lotus leaf and cover it with water. , porridge is delicious. For those who are upset and have many dreams and insomnia, you can use 30 lotus seed hearts, add a little salt, decoct them in water, and take them every night before going to bed.

Through the above introduction, I also have some understanding of the foods that improve sleep. Walnuts have a very good effect in improving water quality, so they are a safe choice. Moreover, walnuts are rich in protein. They are a good brain and tonic. It is a good food for the brain. Choosing it is beneficial to the overall development of the body.