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What should I do if I have a fish bone stuck in my throat? What should I do if a fish bone is stuck in my throat?

2024-01-25 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Many people have tried to get fish bones stuck in their throats when eating fish. In this case, you must first stay calm and don't panic, because panic is not helpful in dealing with things. What I want to talk to you about today is what to do if you get stuck in a fishbone. It will be very helpful for you to learn some common sense in life. Don't think this is unimportant, as it will cause some damage to your throat over time.

Some people may use some folk remedies to help people who are stuck, but this method is risky. Just use the vinegar in life to solve it. If you don’t believe it, you can take a look at some of the following. introduce.

1. In fact, swallowing or drinking vinegar will scratch the throat. If the thorn penetrates from bottom to top, we can swallow steamed buns or rice noodles to deal with it.

2. If the thorn is inserted horizontally and is shallow, it can be decomposed by softening it with vinegar.

3. If the thorn penetrates from top to bottom, the only solution is to go to the hospital. Swallowing food will only worsen the condition. Therefore, if we feel that the problem is serious, or if the sting is large, it is recommended to go directly to the ENT department of the hospital to see a doctor. It does not cost much. My mother was stuck last time for two days and tried all methods. The doctor said it would become swollen later. Therefore, if you do not handle it properly and cause the wound to swell, it will affect your breathing and cause life-threatening injuries.

4. Of course, there is another situation where the thorn may have fallen off, but scratching your throat due to swallowing food may also cause pain. But it’s best to go to the hospital for a diagnosis.

The above is an introduction to the knowledge on what to do if a fishbone gets stuck. I believe many people will be surprised by the power of these techniques after reading it. Tips are very useful in life. As long as everyone understands them, it will be easy to solve problems. Getting stuck on fish bones is very common, but you also need to know how to deal with it.