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How to make sweet-scented osmanthus fish Pictures of how to make sweet-scented osmanthus fish

2023-11-20 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Speaking of fish like mandarin fish, I believe many people are not unfamiliar with it. Because sweet-scented osmanthus fish is a fish with relatively high nutritional value, and has the functions and functions of replenishing deficiency, replenishing the spleen and stomach, etc. In addition, sweet-scented osmanthus fish is rich in protein, vitamins and other trace elements, and its meat quality is relatively good. It is tender and easy to digest and absorb, so it is very suitable for children and the elderly. So how to cook mandarin fish?

There are many ways to cook sweet-scented osmanthus fish. Generally speaking, it is not too complicated. It can be steamed directly or cooked in soup. The taste and nutrition are very good. Below I will give you a detailed introduction to how to make sweet-scented osmanthus fish for your study and reference.

Sweet-scented osmanthus fish belongs to the genus Siniperidae. The body is tall and flat on the sides, with a bulging back. The mouth is large, with the lower jaw obviously longer than the upper jaw. There are small teeth of different sizes on the upper and lower jaws, vomers, and oral bones. The posterior edge of the anterior operculum is serrated with 4 large spines on the lower edge; the posterior edge of the posterior operculum has 2 large spines. The head is scaly and the scales are small; the lateral line curves upward along the dorsal arc. The dorsal fin is divided into two parts, connected to each other, with hard spines at the front and soft fins at the back. The body is yellow-green, the abdomen is gray-white, and there are irregular dark brown spots and patches on the sides of the body; there is a narrow black stripe from the snout through the orbit to the front and bottom of the dorsal fin.

medicinal value

Mandarin fish meat is sweet, flat, non-toxic, and has the effects of replenishing deficiency and fatigue, and benefiting the spleen and stomach. Its tail can cure soft boils in children, and its gallbladder can cure bone in the throat. [Alias] Mandarin fish, mandarin fish, season flower fish, flower crucian carp. 【Nature and flavor】Placid in nature and sweet in taste. [Efficacy] Replenishes the five internal organs, benefits the spleen and stomach, inflates blood, and treats weakness. It is suitable for those with weak qi and blood, and can treat diseases such as weakness due to fatigue and intestinal wind and bleeding.

nutritional value

1. Mandarin fish contains protein, fat, a small amount of vitamins, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium and other nutrients. The meat is tender and easy to digest. It is suitable for children, the elderly and people with weak spleen and stomach digestive function. Eating mandarin fish can replenish deficiency without worrying about digestive difficulties; 2. Eating mandarin fish has the effect of "tuberculosis", which means it is beneficial to the recovery of tuberculosis patients; 3. Mandarin fish meat is not high in calories and is rich in antioxidants. Oxidizing ingredients are an excellent choice for women who are greedy for delicious food, want to beautify their skin but are afraid of obesity. It can replenish the five internal organs, benefit the spleen and stomach, inflate the stomach, and treat deficiency. It is suitable for those with weak qi and blood, and can treat diseases such as fatigue and weakness, intestinal wind and bleeding. 2. Applicable people: Suitable for people with weak constitution, fatigue, weight loss, spleen and stomach qi deficiency, poor diet, and malnutrition. It is especially suitable for the elderly, young, women, and those with weak spleen and stomach. It is not suitable for patients with asthma and hemoptysis. It is not suitable for people with excessive cold and dampness. Those should not eat. Precautions: Avoid drinking tea before and after eating fish. 3. Usage and dosage: Mandarin fish can be braised, steamed, fried, stewed or braised. It is also one of the commonly used fish in Western food. 4. Edible effects: sweet in taste, neutral in nature, non-toxic, and returns to the spleen and stomach meridians; it has the nourishing effect of replenishing qi and blood and benefiting the spleen and stomach. 5. Tips: The dorsal and anal fins of mandarin fish have sharp spines and venom gland tissue. People who are stabbed will have symptoms such as swelling, pain, fever, and chills. Pay special attention when processing and chop them off before making dishes. When making food, there is no need to perform a laparotomy. First, use a knife to cut the small hole at the back of the abdomen near the tail to separate the fish intestines from the body. Then insert two chopsticks from the mouth into the abdomen and rotate the two chopsticks. After circling, pull out the internal organs together with the gills. 6. Skillfully remove the fishy smell: (1) After removing the scales and caesarean section of the fish, wash it, put it in a basin and pour some rice wine to remove the fishy smell and make the fish taste delicious; (2) Fresh fish Cut it open and wash it, and soak it in milk for a while to remove the fishy smell and increase the umami taste; (3) After eating fish, when your mouth smells bad, chew three or five tea leaves to freshen your breath immediately.

How to make sweet-scented osmanthus fish

Mandarin fish with scallion oil

Ingredients: sweet-scented osmanthus fish (about 1 jin); seasonings: cooking wine, green onions, ginger, dried pepper shreds, Lee Kum Kee black bean soy sauce.

Method: 1. Wash and remove scales from the fish, make a cut on the abdomen to the tail (cut off the connection of the internal organs) and take out the internal organs at the gills to maintain the integrity of the fish. 2. Cut each side of the fish into 3 slices for easy flavoring and cooking. 3. Slice onion and ginger, attach to the fish body, add cooking wine and marinate for 15 minutes. After the pot boils, turn the pot over high heat for 10 minutes. 4. Pour out the water and onion and ginger in the dish, and replace with fresh onion and ginger shreds and attach them to the fish body and set aside. 5. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot. After the pot is boiled, pour all over the fish, then drizzle with soy sauce and serve.

Mandarin fish with flowers

Ingredients: 1 650g fresh mandarin fish, 15g cooked ham, 30g chicken breast, 150g pork net oil, 125g flour, 2 teaspoons cooking wine.

Method: 1 Chop chicken breast into puree. Cut the ham into thin slices. 2 Wash the fish, take out the internal organs from the mouth, remove the gill scales, scald them in boiling water, wipe off the floating scales and water, and cut off the spine and wings. Cut the lower lip of the fish, make a diagonal cut on the left side of the fish, insert a piece of ham every other cut, and stuff it with a layer of minced chicken. Cut a straight knife on the right side, fill each knife with minced chicken, and then marinate with salt and cooking wine. 3Mix the flour into cold water dough and shape into a round cake with a diameter of 50 cm. The mandarin fish is first wrapped in net oil and then wrapped in bread bread. 4 Light the charcoal in the charcoal pool (or low fire), put on the grill grate, place the wrapped fish with its back side down on the grill grate, bake for 20 minutes, turn it over and bake for another 20 minutes, take it off, peel off the dough, Baste the fish with oil and place the fish flat on a plate. Serve with ginger vinegar.

Tomato and Osmanthus Fish Chowder

Ingredients: 1 mandarin fish (about 1 catties is best), 2-3 tomatoes, appropriate amount of mushrooms, sliced ??ginger, chopped green onion, tomato sauce, salt, chicken essence, pepper, corn starch, cooking wine

Method: 1. Clean the sweet-scented osmanthus fish, marinate the fish fillets for preparation, cut the fish bones into pieces, wash the tomatoes, blanch them in cold water in a boiling water pot, rinse them, peel them and cut them into pieces. 2. Wipe the fish body dry, put a clean towel on the cutting board, place the fish on top, use a sharp knife to slice off the entire back from the tail against the fish bones. 3. There are transverse spines on the fish belly, so slice carefully. 4. Lay half of the fish body flat, tilt the knife at about 45 degrees to carefully cut out the fillets, and then separate the fillets from the skin. 5. Add cornstarch, pepper, a little cooking wine, salt, and chicken powder to the fish fillet and add a little water to catch it until it is slightly sticky, marinate and prepare. 6. Heat the oil in the pot, add the fish and stir-fry until the fish turns white. Pour in an appropriate amount of boiling water and bring to a boil over high heat for 5 minutes. Then transfer to a casserole, add ginger slices and mushrooms and continue cooking for 5 minutes.

7. After the oil in the pot is heated, add the tomato cubes and tomato paste and stir-fry until the tomatoes soften and become sandy. Pour the fish soup in the casserole into the tomato pot, bring to a boil over high heat, add salt and chicken essence to taste, and finally marinate Put the fish fillets into the pot and quickly scatter them with chopsticks until the color of the fish turns white. Turn off the heat, add chopped green onion and sprinkle with pepper.

After reading the recipe of mandarin fish introduced above, I believe that all of you who love mandarin fish already know the techniques for making this fish. In addition, when making it, you must first clean up the fish scales and body, and then pour some rice wine, which can effectively remove the fishy smell, so everyone should remember this little tip when making it.