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Who can't eat Tian Qi chicken soup

2023-07-13 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

People sometimes call Panax notoginseng when taking pictures. In fact, Panax notoginseng is a very effective Chinese medicinal material. The Panax notoginseng and Panax notoginseng commonly seen in daily life are of the same species. As a kind of Chinese medicinal material, the medicinal value of Tianqi cannot be ignored. Its main function is to remove blood stasis, activate blood circulation, and stop bleeding. People often use Tianqi to stew chicken soup. So for whom does Tianqi stew chicken soup? So it's inedible?

1. Who should not eat Tianqi Chicken Soup?

After all, Tianqi is a kind of Chinese medicinal material, so it still has certain side effects on the human body. It is recommended that pregnant women and menstruating women eat Tianqi Stewed Chicken with caution.

2. The efficacy and function of Tianqi stewed chicken

1. Expand blood vessels, lower blood pressure, improve microcirculation, increase blood flow, prevent and treat ischemia and hypoxia of heart and brain tissue.

2. Promote the synthesis of protein, ribonucleic acid (RNA), and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) to strengthen the body.

3. Promote blood cell metabolism and balance and regulate blood cells.

4. Bidirectionally regulates the central nervous system, improves brain power, and enhances learning and memory abilities.

5. Enhance the body’s immune function and resist tumors.

6. Stop bleeding, activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

7. Hepatoprotective and anti-inflammatory.

8. Delay aging.

9. Bidirectionally regulate blood sugar, lower blood lipids, cholesterol, and inhibit arteriosclerosis.

3. How to make Tianqi stew

Ingredients: chicken (150g), Pangasius slices (8g)

Seasoning: longan meat (5g), red dates (5g), onion (appropriate amount), ginger (appropriate amount), salt (appropriate amount), peanut oil (appropriate amount)


1. Crush the Tianqi pieces with a medicinal cup, put them into water together with the longan and red dates and wash them thoroughly.

2. Put various medicinal materials into a stew pot and set aside. Crush the onions and slice the ginger and set aside.

3. Marinate the chicken with ginger slices, onions, salt and peanut oil.

4. Put the marinated chicken into the stew pot, add appropriate amount of cold water into the stew pot, cover the stew pot lid, and simmer for four to five hours.

5. After the Tianqi stewed chicken has been simmered for enough time, season with salt and serve.