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7 ways to eat healthy seasonal fruits in spring. Seasonal vegetables and fruits in spring.

2024-01-07 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

How to choose fruits in spring?

It is recommended to eat fruits according to the season. For example, eat watermelons when they are in season, and eat peaches when there are more peaches.

Choose fruits of moderate size. Fruits that are too large are likely to be stimulated by hormones, bulking agents or the like. In short, it is best not to buy anything that is too big, whether it is fruits or crabs, fish and shrimps from the river!

Most of the southern fruits sold in the north are ripened with messy stuff, because it is difficult to transport southern fruits after they are ripe. They can only be shipped raw and then processed and cooked, so eating local fruits as much as possible is also a way.

Generally, first smell, second look, and third pinch. First smell whether there is the fragrance that fruits should have, and also smell whether there are other strange smells. Second, check to see if there are any black or rotten areas. Three pinches and one pinch, no need to say more.

There is a secret to choosing fruits. No matter what kind of fruit, the more concave the pedicle is, the sweeter it will be.

Principles for eating fruits in spring: Eat cold and hot fruits together

Warming fruits mainly include: cherries, peaches, chestnuts, dates, walnuts, oranges, kumquats, etc. However, if you eat too much warm-heating fruits, you will easily get angry.

The main cold fruits include: banana, sugar cane, mango, loquat, apple, pear, strawberry, grapefruit, orange, etc.

Common fruits include: pineapple, star fruit, papaya, lily, lotus seed, peanut, hazelnut, black sesame, etc. Among the fruits we usually eat, fruits with a neutral nature account for a larger proportion, followed by those with a warm nature, and even less with a cold nature.

Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the balance and harmony of yin and yang. Therefore, people with a hot constitution should eat more cold foods, while people with a cold constitution need to eat more warm foods, and the same goes for fruits.

7 seasonal fruits in spring

1. Pineapple

Pineapple contains a substance called "pineapple prionase", which can decompose protein, dissolve fibrin and blood clots blocked in tissues, improve local blood circulation, and eliminate inflammation and edema; the sugar and salt contained in pineapple It has a diuretic effect and enzymes, and appropriate consumption is beneficial to patients with nephritis and hypertension; pineapple is sweet and mild in nature, and has the functions of strengthening the stomach and digestion, tonifying the spleen and stopping diarrhea, clearing the stomach and quenching thirst.

Note: Not everyone can eat pineapple, and those with allergies should eat it with caution; those with a history of allergies to pineapple in the past should be prohibited from eating it.

Tips: Soak the slices in light salt water and put them in the freezer before eating. It will be sweeter and more delicious.

2. Mango

Mango fruit has extremely high nutritional value, with a vitamin A content as high as 3.8%, which is twice as much as apricots. The vitamin C content is also higher than that of oranges and strawberries. Mango contains sugar, protein and nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus and iron, all of which are necessary for the human body. The soluble solids of mango are 14%-24.8%, the sugar content is 11%-19%, the protein is 0.65%-1.31%, and every 100 grams of pulp contains 2281-6304 micrograms of carotene, and there are trace amounts of essential nutrients such as selenium and calcium. The content of phosphorus, potassium, etc. is also very high.

Note: Do not eat mango after a full meal, and do not eat it with spicy substances such as garlic. Otherwise, it may cause yellow disease. At present, the mechanism is not clear, but this is based on secular experience. According to modern reports, there are cases of nephritis caused by eating too much mango, so be careful.

Tips: Since mango contains a lot of vitamins, regular consumption of mango can moisturize the skin.

3. Mangosteen

Mangosteen is rich in protein and lipids, which has a good nourishing effect on the body, and has a good nursing effect on the weak, malnourished, and after illness. Mangosteen pulp contains 16.8% soluble solids, 0.63% citric acid, and other vitamins B1, B2, C4 and minerals. It has the effect of reducing dryness, cooling and antipyretic. Therefore, mangosteen is not only delicious, but also has the effect of reducing fire. , can overcome the dryness and heat of durian. In addition, mangosteen is rich in protein and lipids, which has a good nourishing effect on the body, and has a good nursing effect on the weak, malnourished, and after illness.

Note: Mangosteen is rich in fiber, which absorbs water and swells in the intestines and stomach. Excessive consumption may cause constipation. In addition, mangosteen is a cold fruit, so people with weak constitutions can eat less, but not more. Do not eat it with cold foods such as watermelon, soy milk, beer, cabbage, mustard, bitter melon, winter melon and lotus leaf soup. Be careful of overeating. You can use brown sugar to make ginger tea to relieve the problem.

Tips: When selecting mangosteens, pay attention to the green stems. The ones with softer shells are fresher when pinched. After opening, the meat inside is pure white. If the shell is as hard as a rock, it's probably inedible.

4. Mulberries

Mulberries are sweet and juicy and are one of the fruits that people often eat. Mature mulberries are oily, sweet and sour, and are preferably large, thick-fleshed, purple-red in color, and rich in sugar. Harvest the fruits when they are mature from April to June every year, wash them, remove impurities, dry them in the sun or steam them briefly before drying them for consumption.

Note: There are two kinds of mulberries, black and white, for fresh consumption, with purple and black mulberries being the best tonic. Unripe ones cannot be eaten. Avoid using iron utensils when boiling mulberry paste. Consumption of mulberries: Because mulberries contain hemolytic allergenic substances and hyaluronic acid, hemolytic enteritis is likely to occur after excessive consumption. Children and adolescents should not eat more mulberries. Because mulberries contain a lot of trypsin inhibitor - tannic acid, which will affect the body's absorption of iron, calcium, zinc and other substances. People with spleen deficiency and loose stools should not eat mulberries. Mulberries are high in sugar and should not be eaten by people with diabetes.


Mulberry has the functions of promoting fluid and moisturizing the intestines, clearing the liver and improving eyesight, soothing the mind and nourishing the skin, nourishing blood and black hair, etc. Modern medicine has also found that mulberry has the functions of regulating immunity, promoting the growth of hematopoietic cells, anti-mutagenesis, anti-aging, lowering blood sugar, and lowering blood sugar. It has health-care functions such as blood lipids and liver protection.

5. Strawberry

Strawberries are rich in nutrients and contain fructose, sucrose, citric acid, malic acid, salicylic acid, amino acids, and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron. In addition, it also contains a variety of vitamins, especially vitamin C. Every 100 grams of strawberry contains 60 mg of vitamin C. The carotene contained in strawberries is an important substance for the synthesis of vitamin A, which has the effect of improving eyesight and nourishing the liver. Strawberries also contain pectin and rich dietary fiber, which can help digestion and smooth bowel movements. The nutrients of strawberries are easily digested and absorbed by the human body. You will not catch cold or get angry if you eat more of them. It is a healthy food suitable for all ages.

Note: Do not eat deformed strawberries. Normally grown strawberries are generally heart-shaped in appearance, while deformed strawberries have a normal surface color and large size, but have deformed bulges in some areas and are not heart-shaped. There is a hollow in the middle after being bitten open. Such deformed strawberries are often caused by the use of certain plant growth-promoting hormones during the planting process, which may be harmful to human health. Especially pregnant women and children should not eat it.

Tips: Strawberries are plants rich in tannic acid, which can adsorb and prevent the absorption of carcinogenic chemicals in the body and have anti-cancer effects.

6. Lychee

The rich sugar contained in lychees can replenish energy and increase nutrition. Research has proven that lychees have a nourishing effect on brain tissue and can significantly improve insomnia, forgetfulness, fatigue and other symptoms; lychee meat is rich in vitamin C and protein, which helps It is used to enhance the body's immune function and improve disease resistance; lychee has the effects of reducing swelling, detoxifying, stopping bleeding and relieving pain; lychee is rich in vitamins, which can promote blood circulation of microvessels, prevent the occurrence of freckles, and make the skin smoother.

Note: Do not eat large amounts of lychees continuously. You can drink a little salt water or herbal tea before and after eating lychees. Mung bean water, winter melon water, raw rehmannia soup, etc. also have good effects. For children, lychee is the same as mango, longan and other fruits. Children with severe internal heat should not eat it, and normal children should eat as little as possible; for the elderly, those with constipation should not eat it as much as possible; especially those with constipation Patients with liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes, and gastrointestinal disease should be more cautious

Tips: Most of the lychees on the market in May are early-maturing varieties such as March Red. They have a slightly sour taste and are mid- to low-end varieties. Mid-June is the best time for lychees. Nuomi Ci, Feizixiao, Guiwei and other sweet varieties Excellent varieties with strong aroma are beginning to come on the market.

7. Cherry

In late spring and early summer, cherries "ripen first". They are rich in nutrients, rich in carbohydrates, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and a variety of vitamins. In particular, the iron content is as high as 6 to 8 mg per 100 grams, which is 20 to 30 times higher than apples, oranges, and pears. The vitamin A content is 4 to 5 times higher than apples, oranges, and grapes. Eating cherries can promote hemoglobin regeneration and Cancer prevention effect.

Note: When choosing cherries, it depends on whether the stems are fresh. Fresh fruit stems are green, while fruit stems that have been left for a long time will turn black. Then check whether the peel is wrinkled. Wrinkling means that the fruit has been picked for too long and has lost moisture. Although cherries are good, it is not advisable to eat too much, otherwise "too much refreshing food will eventually lead to illness", which will have a negative impact on people's life and health. "Compendium of Materia Medica" contains an article saying: "Cherry belongs to fire, and is very hot and moist. People who have old fevers and asthma will become ill and some will die." It can be seen that when eating fruits, you must be scientific and eat them properly. Especially if the cherries have been exposed to rain, small insects will grow inside them, which are difficult to see with the inner eye. If soaked in water, tiny insects will come out after a while. Only then will it be safe to eat and beneficial to your health.

Tips: The medicinal value of cherries has been widely documented in Chinese medicine: "Cherry tastes sweet, mild and astringent, and can regulate qi and replenish qi. Eating more can beautify the face and improve the mind." In addition, it has the effect of "treating human body deficiency, replenishing vitality, and moisturizing the skin."