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The efficacy and nutritional value of conch. How long to cook conch?

2024-02-05 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Conch meat is plump, delicate and delicious, and is known as the "pearl on the plate". It is rich in egg whites, vitamins and essential amino acids and trace elements. It is a typical natural animal health food with high protein, low fat and high calcium. Next, let’s take a closer look at the efficacy and nutritional value of conch.

nutritional value

Snail meat is rich in vitamin A, protein, iron and calcium, and has therapeutic effects on diseases such as eye redness, jaundice, athlete's foot, and hemorrhoids.


Conch is sweet, cold and non-toxic;

It has the effects of clearing away heat and improving eyesight, relieving diaphragm and benefiting stomach;

It has a certain effect on diseases such as heat and pain in the heart and abdomen, heat and dryness in the lungs, and dizziness in the eyes.

For people

suitable for majority of the people

1. Suitable for people with jaundice, edema, urinary obstruction, hemorrhoids, blood in the stool, athlete's foot, thirst, wind-heat, red eyes, swelling and pain, and drunkenness; suitable for people with diabetes, cancer, and Sj?gren's syndrome; also suitable for obesity and hyperlipidemia People with coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, and fatty liver disease should take it;

2. People with weak spleen and stomach, loose stools and diarrhea should not eat the snails. Because the snails are extremely cold, they should not eat them during colds and colds. Women should not eat them during menstruation and postpartum. People who have stomach cold diseases should not eat them.

After everyone understands the efficacy and nutritional value of conch, will you want to eat this delicious and nutritious seafood side dish?