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What are the nutritious things to pair with mutton? 3 combinations and 5 combinations that don’t!

2023-12-31 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

The nutritional components of Mutton

  • heat quantity(kilocalorie)
  • 203
  • fat(gram)
  • 14.1
  • protein(gram)
  • 19
  • thiamine(mg)
  • 0.05
  • calcium(mg)
  • 6
  • riboflavin(mg)
  • 0.14
  • magnesium(mg)
  • 20
  • niacin(mg)
  • 4.5
  • iron(mg)
  • 2.3
  • manganese(mg)
  • 0.02
  • vitamin E(mg)
  • 0.26
  • zinc(mg)
  • 3.22
  • vitamin A(mcg)
  • 22
  • cholesterol(mg)
  • 92
  • copper(mg)
  • 0.75
  • Carotene(mcg)
  • 1.2
  • potassium(mg)
  • 232
  • phosphorus(mg)
  • 146
  • retinol equivalent(mcg)
  • 65.7
  • sodium(mg)
  • 80.6
  • selenium(mcg)
  • 32.2

It's cold in winter, so eating some warming foods is good for your health. So which ingredients are more nutritious to pair with mutton? Which ingredients are taboo to pair with? Let’s quickly take a look with the editor.

What goes best with lamb?

1. Tofu and radish

Tofu and radish can not only supplement a variety of trace elements, but the gypsum in them can also clear away heat, relieve fire, and quench thirst. When mutton and radish are cooked together, radish can eliminate stagnation and resolve phlegm and heat.

2. Black beans

Mutton is rich in animal protein, and black beans are rich in plant protein. The two can complement each other and promote the comprehensive absorption of protein. Black beans contain more plant sterols and unsaturated fatty acids, which can reduce the body's absorption of cholesterol and saturated fatty acids in mutton and help lower blood lipids. Black enters the kidneys, so black beans can also enhance the kidney-tonifying and body-warming effect of mutton.

3. Ginger

Mutton replenishes blood and warms yang, ginger relieves pain and removes rheumatism. They are paired with each other. Ginger removes the fishy smell of mutton and helps mutton exert its effect of warming yang and dispelling cold. Add yam to mutton to replenish blood, strengthen the body and relieve constipation. Add coriander to appetize and aphrodisiac.

What should not be paired with lamb?

1. Avoid eating with tea

Tea is the "nemesis" of mutton. This is because mutton is rich in protein, and tea contains more tannic acid. Drinking tea when eating mutton will produce tannic acid protein, which will weaken intestinal peristalsis and reduce stool moisture, thus inducing constipation.

2. It is not suitable to eat with vinegar.

Sour vinegar has an astringent effect, which is not conducive to the growth of Yang Qi in the body. Eating it with mutton will greatly reduce its warming and tonic effect.

3. Avoid eating with watermelon

Eating watermelon after eating mutton can easily "damage your vitality". This is because mutton is sweet and hot in nature, while watermelon is cold in nature and is a cold product. After eating, it not only greatly reduces the warming effect of mutton, but also hinders the spleen and stomach.

4. It is forbidden to eat mutton for some diseases.

People who often suffer from mouth and tongue erosion, red eyes, bitter mouth, irritability, dry and sore throat, swollen and painful gums, or those who have diarrhea, or those who take Chinese medicine containing Pinellia ternata and Acorus calamus should not eat mutton.

5. It is not advisable to eat with pumpkin

There are also records in ancient Chinese medicine books that mutton should not be eaten with pumpkin. This is mainly because mutton and pumpkin are both warm foods. If they are eaten together, they will easily get burned. For the same reason, when cooking mutton, you should also use less hot and spicy condiments such as chili, pepper, ginger, cloves, and fennel.

Teach you how to choose mutton

In daily life, we mostly eat sheep meat, such as stir-fries, boiled mutton, etc., but recently many people have asked about some dishes made with goat meat in restaurants, such as "stewed black goat meat", "braised goat meat", etc. What is the difference between it and sheep meat?

In terms of taste, sheep meat is more delicious than goat meat. This is because goat meat fat contains a fatty acid called 4-methyloctanoic acid, which will produce a special odor after volatilization.

However, in terms of nutritional content, goat meat is not inferior to sheep meat. In comparison, sheep meat has a higher fat content than goat meat, which is why sheep meat tastes more delicate and flavorful. An important feature of goat meat is that its cholesterol content is lower than that of sheep meat. Therefore, it can prevent vascular sclerosis and heart disease, and is especially suitable for patients with hyperlipidemia and the elderly.

There is another big difference between goat meat and sheep meat. According to traditional Chinese medicine, goat meat is cold in nature, while sheep meat is hot in nature. Therefore, the latter has a nourishing effect and is suitable for pregnant women and patients; the former is best for patients to eat less, and ordinary people should also avoid eating cold foods and fruits after eating it.

When buying meat, there are several ways to identify sheep and goat meat:

One is to look at the muscles. Sheep meat sticks to your hands, but goat meat spreads out and is not sticky;

Second, look at the shape of the hair on the meat. Sheep meat has curly hair, while goat meat has hard and straight hair;

The third is to look at the muscle fibers. The fibers of sheep meat are thin and short, while the fibers of goat meat are thick and long;

Fourth, look at the ribs. The ribs of sheep are narrow and short, while those of goats are wide and long.

In terms of eating methods, goat meat is more suitable for stews and kebabs. In recent years, many health foods have been developed using goat meat due to its low cholesterol and fat content.