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What nutritional value does cooking oil have?

2020-10-21 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

What nutritional value does cooking oil have?

What nutritional value does cooking oil have?

To determine whether an oil is good or bad, you can clearly understand it by using its fat content. Of course, today we will talk about the nutrients of cooking oil!

1. Vitamins

Whether it is animal oil or vegetable oil, they are rich in vitamins. Animal oil is rich in vitamin A and vitamin D. Vitamin A can improve children's vision and improve the body's immunity, while vitamin D is an important substance that promotes calcium absorption and strong bones.

Vegetable oil is rich in vitamin E, which is a very good antioxidant that can effectively prevent atherosclerosis, cataracts, malignant tumors and other diseases, and delay the aging of the body. Vitamin K in vegetable oil is related to the body's blood coagulation function. Once it is lacking, it will cause the blood clotting time to be too long and even cause bleeding disorders.

2. Phospholipids

Phospholipid is a compound with a very complex molecular structure. It is also the most abundant lipid in the human body besides fat. It is an indispensable raw material for protein synthesis, participates in the body's fat metabolism, and can prevent fatty liver. In addition, it also participates in the formation of various biological membranes such as cell membranes and mitochondrial membranes. However, the vegetable oils sold in supermarkets today have been refined and contain only a small amount of phospholipids.

3. Plant sterols

As a natural compound with complex structure, phytosterols mainly play a role in stabilizing cell membranes in plant cells. Although its structure is similar to cholesterol, it has the effect of lowering cholesterol and can prevent atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Plant sterols can also prevent and treat prostate diseases and regulate the body's immunity.

4. Other phytochemicals

In the oil of leguminous plants, phytoestrogens (soy isoflavones) can beautify the skin, regulate blood lipids, prevent cardiovascular diseases, delay aging, and prevent postmenopausal osteoporosis. Squalene in fish oil can reduce blood cholesterol content, promote bile secretion, strengthen liver function, and enhance appetite. Some vegetable oils contain proanthocyanidins. Proanthocyanidins are a general term for a class of polyphenol compounds. They are internationally recognized as the most effective natural antioxidants in scavenging free radicals in the body and have the ability to inhibit lipid peroxidation. effect.

And its antioxidant capacity is stronger than vitamin E. In addition, it also has the effects of lowering blood lipids, lowering blood pressure, anti-atherosclerosis, anti-radiation, and promoting tissue repair.