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Microwave oven cooking Recipes for microwave oven cooking

2024-01-09 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Microwave oven is a commonly used household appliance. At the same time, it mainly uses some microwaves for heating. It can cook rice and vegetables. It also has a very fast effect on food. Its main feature is that it is very fast. , and the main principle is to use some of the functions of microwaves and pay attention to it in daily life. Microwave ovens are also very good for cooking. Next, let’s briefly introduce how to make Jue beef shreds and radish.

The required materials and seasonings are also very simple, and the method is also very simple. When cooking in a microwave oven, you must pay attention to avoid overheating, so as to preserve nutrients as much as possible. At the same time, you must pay attention to cleaning the microwave oven after cooking. At the same time, the microwave oven in daily life must be cleaned very well.

Orange-flavored beef and radish shreds

Ingredients: Beef, radish, orange peel, green garlic and chili

Seasoning: soy sauce, old wine, starch, cooking oil, salt, MSG


1. Wash the orange peel and soak it in water for a while to remove the bitterness.

2. Cut the beef into shreds, put it into a bowl, add soy sauce, old wine, and starch, mix well and marinate, then add cooking oil and use chopsticks to break up the beef, cover it and put it in the microwave on high heat for 2 minutes. Take it out and put the shredded beef on another plate.

3. Cut the orange peel into fine pieces and put it into the beef soup. Add the shredded radish, add salt, cover it and put it in the microwave on high heat for 2 minutes. Take it out and stir in the shredded beef, green garlic, Mix chili shreds and MSG evenly, cover and place in the microwave on high heat for 2 minutes, take it out to a plate and sprinkle with chopped green onion.

The above is how to make orange-flavored beef and radish shreds. The required materials and seasonings are also very simple. The method is also very simple. When cooking in the microwave, you must be careful to avoid overheating. Orange-flavored beef and radish shreds are also very good for the human body. Yes, for cooking in ordinary pots, I believe many people still prefer microwave ovens, so it is better to use microwave ovens for cooking.