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What are the benefits of eating lotus root? Nutritional value and efficacy and role of lotus root

2020-08-27 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

The nutritional components of lotus root

  • heat quantity(kilocalorie)
  • 70
  • fat(gram)
  • 0.2
  • protein(gram)
  • 1.9
  • carbohydrate(gram)
  • 15.2
  • dietary fiber(gram)
  • 1.2
  • thiamine(mg)
  • 0.09
  • calcium(mg)
  • 39
  • riboflavin(mg)
  • 0.03
  • magnesium(mg)
  • 19
  • niacin(mg)
  • 0.3
  • iron(mg)
  • 1.4
  • vitamin C(mg)
  • 44
  • manganese(mg)
  • 1.3
  • vitamin E(mg)
  • 0.73
  • zinc(mg)
  • 0.23
  • vitamin A(mcg)
  • 3
  • copper(mg)
  • 0.11
  • Carotene(mcg)
  • 1
  • potassium(mg)
  • 243
  • phosphorus(mg)
  • 58
  • retinol equivalent(mcg)
  • 80.5
  • sodium(mg)
  • 44.2
  • selenium(mcg)
  • 0.39

What are the benefits of eating lotus root? The nutritional value of lotus root, the efficacy and role of lotus root. Lotus root is native to India and was introduced to my country very early. During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the cultivation of lotus root was quite common. Lotus root is slightly sweet and crisp. It can be eaten raw or cooked, and its medicinal value is quite high. Its roots, leaves, flowers, whiskers and fruits are all valuable and can be used as nourishing medicine. Powder made from lotus root can digest food and stop diarrhea, appetizer, clear away heat, nourish and prevent internal bleeding. It is a good liquid food and nourishing treasure for women, children, children, and the weak and sick. During the Xianfeng period of the Qing Dynasty, it was designated as an imperial tribute.

What are the benefits of eating lotus root? The nutritional value of lotus root, the efficacy and function of lotus root

1. Nutritional components of lotus root

Each hundred grams contains 77.9 grams of water, 1.0 grams of protein, 0.1 grams of fat, 19.8 grams of carbohydrates, 84 kcal of calories, 0.5 grams of crude fiber, 0.7 grams of ash, 19 mg of calcium, 51 mg of phosphorus, 0.5 mg of iron, and 0.02 carotene. mg, thiamine 0.11 mg, riboflavin 0.04 mg, niacin 0.4 mg, ascorbic acid 25 mg.

2. Nutritional value of lotus root

1. Lotus root contains starch, protein, asparagine, vitamin C and oxidase components. It also contains high sugar content. Eating raw lotus root can clear away heat and relieve annoyance, quench thirst and stop vomiting. If fresh lotus root is squeezed to extract juice, its effect will be even greater. What's more, cooked lotus root has a sweet and warm taste, can strengthen the spleen and appetite, replenish blood and heart, so it mainly nourishes the five internal organs, and has the effects of digestion, quenching thirst, and muscle growth.

2. Clearing away heat and cooling blood: Lotus root is cold in nature, has the effect of clearing away heat and cooling blood, and can be used to treat febrile diseases. Lotus root is sweet and liquid, and is especially beneficial for those with thirst, epistaxis, hemoptysis, and bleeding due to fever.

3. Laxative, antidiarrheal, spleen and appetizer: Lotus root contains mucus protein and dietary fiber, which can combine with cholates in the human body, cholesterol and triglycerides in food, so that they can be excreted from the feces, thereby reducing lipid synthesis. absorb. Lotus root exudes a unique fragrance and also contains tannins, which can strengthen the spleen and stop diarrhea. It can increase appetite, promote digestion, appetize and strengthen the body, and is beneficial to the recovery of health for those with poor appetite and loss of appetite.

4. Benefit blood and promote muscle growth: Lotus root has high nutritional value, rich in iron, calcium and other trace elements. It is also rich in plant protein, vitamins and starch. It has obvious effects on replenishing qi and blood and enhancing human immunity. Therefore, Chinese medicine says: "It mainly nourishes the middle and nourishes the mind, and replenishes qi and strength."

5. Stop bleeding and disperse blood stasis: Lotus root contains a large amount of tannic acid, which has the effect of constricting blood vessels and can be used to stop bleeding. Lotus root can also cool the blood and disperse blood. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it can stop bleeding without leaving blood stasis, and is a good food therapy for febrile disease.

3. Edible effects of lotus root

1. Raw lotus root is sweet in taste and cold in nature. It enters the heart, spleen and stomach meridians; it has the effects of clearing away heat, promoting fluid production, cooling blood, dissipating blood stasis, tonifying the spleen, appetizing, and stopping diarrhea; it is mainly used to treat febrile diseases such as polydipsia, vomiting blood, and epistaxis. Hot shower.

2. Ripe lotus root is warm in nature and sweet in taste; it has the effects of benefiting the stomach and spleen, nourishing blood, replenishing blood, promoting muscle growth, and stopping diarrhea; it is mainly used to treat cough due to lung heat, irritability and thirst, spleen deficiency and diarrhea, loss of appetite and various blood syndromes.

3. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that raw lotus root is sweet, cold and non-toxic. Ripe lotus root is sweet, warm and non-toxic.

4. Applicable groups of lotus root: The general population can eat it

1. It is especially suitable for the elderly, young, women and children, and the frail and sick. It is especially suitable for patients with high fever, those who vomit blood, high blood pressure, liver disease, loss of appetite, iron deficiency anemia and malnutrition. People should eat more.

2. Lotus root is cold in nature, so mothers should not eat it too early. Lotus root is cold in nature, and it is crisp and refreshing when eaten raw, but it will hinder the spleen and stomach. People with poor digestive function of the spleen and stomach and loose stools should not eat raw food.

3. Lotus root decoction can be taken orally to smooth the qi and widen the qi. Stir-fried with charcoal can stop bleeding and disperse blood stasis, and can be used for various types of hemorrhage. Generally, eating lotus root 1 to 2 weeks after delivery can gradually relieve the pain.

5. Usage and dosage of lotus root

1. Lotus root can be eaten raw, cooked, pounded into juice to drink, or dried and ground into powder to make porridge.

2. When eating lotus roots, choose those with yellowish-brown skin and thick and white flesh. If it turns black and has a peculiar smell, it is not suitable for consumption.

3. Raw and cooked lotus root is suitable for stir-frying, stewing, deep-frying and as an ingredient in dishes, such as "Eight Treasures Stuffed Lotus Root", "Fried Lotus Root Box", etc.

4. Avoid using iron utensils when cooking lotus roots to avoid causing the food to turn black.

5. Uncut lotus roots can be left at room temperature for a week. However, because lotus roots are easy to turn black and the cut parts are prone to rot, cut lotus roots should be covered with plastic wrap at the incisions and kept refrigerated for about a week.

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