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The functions of Pinellia Magnolia Decoction

2023-11-19 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Pinellia ternata is a medicinal plant. Many people should have heard of it. It has many functions. Reasonable use of it will also have significant therapeutic effects on many diseases. Today I will take you to learn about Pinellia ternata Magnolia decoction. , to see what functions it has. I hope this can improve everyone's understanding of it and be helpful to everyone.

Pinellia ternata is dry in nature and has the function of resolving phlegm. The phlegm it transforms mainly occurs when the spleen fails to resolve dampness and accumulates to form phlegm. It is an important medicine for treating dampness and phlegm. It is suitable for diseases such as phlegm-dampness stagnation and cough with inverse Qi. It is often used in combination with tangerine peel, poria, etc.; it is often used in combination with Fritillaria to treat excessive phlegm and cough. Because of its warm nature, it can also be used to treat cold phlegm, and should be used with white mustard seeds and ginger; because of its good phlegm-resolving power, it can also be used to treat hot phlegm and wind phlegm. It can be used with Trichosanthes melon, Scutellaria baicalensis, etc. to treat hot phlegm; If it causes wind and phlegm, it should be used equally with Aracenia.

The functions of Pinellia ternata are pungent, dispersing and warming, resolving phlegm, and drying dampness, so it can be used for the symptoms of internal phlegm obstruction and chest and epigastric congestion. It can be used with tangerine peel and poria. If cold and heat are combined, it can be used with scutellaria baicalensis, coptis, and dried ginger. When used, it can remove pungent, relieve bitterness, disperse stagnation and eliminate pimples (such as Banxia Xiexin Decoction). In addition, it is often used for chest pain, and can be used with Trichosanthes trichosanthes and Coptis chinensis. Pinellia ternata can also dissolve phlegm and disperse stagnation, and can be used to treat diseases such as galls, scrofula and phlegm cores, vaginal gangrene, swelling and pain caused by the accumulation of phlegm and dampness, or plum core qi caused by the accumulation of phlegm and qi. It is used to treat galls, scrofula, and phlegm core. It can be used with seaweed, yellowtail, Fritillaria, etc. If the carbuncle is not ulcerated, you can grind raw Pinellia ternata with raw Nanxing and the same, mix it with vinegar and apply it externally, which has the effect of dispersing knots and reducing swelling. To treat plum core gas, it can be used with magnolia officinalis and perilla. Pinellia ternata has a good effect of reducing qi and relieving vomiting, and can be used for a variety of vomiting symptoms. When used, it should be used in different combinations according to different symptoms. For example, to treat vomiting due to cold stomach, it can be combined with ginger, patchouli, clove, etc.; to treat vomiting caused by stomach heat, it can be combined with coptis, bamboo root, etc.; to treat vomiting during pregnancy, it can be combined with products such as Zaoxintu; to treat stomach deficiency and vomiting, it can be combined with ginseng. , white honey can be used together.

The above is the introduction to the functions of Pinellia Magnolia Decoction that I want to introduce to you today. I hope you all have a certain understanding of it. Although its functions are very wide, you cannot use it indiscriminately. Everyone is not very familiar with the dosage and method. Understand to avoid the opposite effect. You can consult relevant expert doctors for specific details, and it also depends on whether your body is suitable for it.