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Recipes for diabetics Recipes for diabetics and taboo fruits bananas

2024-02-07 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Medically, diabetes is difficult to treat. The typical symptoms of diabetes are three more and one less. Many patients were relatively healthy or even obese before they got the disease, but they lose weight rapidly after getting diabetes, which makes their relatives and friends very distressed. Diet for diabetics? If you have diabetes, you should pay attention to dietary control. Some foods can help suppress the disease. Many foods in life should be eaten as little or as little as possible.

The blood sugar of diabetics is too high, so of course the food they eat in daily life must avoid foods with low sugar content. Some fruits, such as watermelon and apples, should be eaten less. There are also some staple foods. The diet for diabetics needs to go through Customized by a doctor, strictly follow the doctor's instructions in daily life.

What should people with diabetes eat? Diabetes occurs due to defects in the body's ability to digest sugar. Therefore, in daily diet, people with diabetes should consciously eat less or even avoid foods with high sugar content. There are many types of diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that pregnant women are prone to. It is mainly caused by pregnant women consuming too much sugar during pregnancy.

What should diabetics eat? 

Whole grains

People with diabetes should not eat rice as their staple food, but should eat more whole grains, such as oatmeal, buckwheat noodles, oatmeal, cornmeal and other staple foods that are rich in vitamin B, various trace elements and dietary fiber. Long-term consumption can lower blood sugar and blood lipids;

Beans and soy products

Soy foods are rich in protein, inorganic salts and vitamins, and soybean oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, which can lower serum cholesterol and triglycerides.

Fruits and vegetables with blood sugar-lowering effects

Bitter melon, onions, shiitake mushrooms, grapefruit, pumpkin, etc. are all fruits and vegetables that can lower blood sugar. They are the most ideal foods for diabetics. If you can take some propolis for a long time, the effect of lowering blood sugar and preventing complications will be better.

What should people with diabetes pay attention to in their diet? People with diabetes should not drink alcohol. Because the alcohol contained in wine does not contain other nutrients and only provides heat energy. Each gram of alcohol produces about 7 kcal (294 joules). Long-term drinking is not good for the liver and can easily lead to an increase in serum triglycerides. A small number of patients who take sulfonylurea hypoglycemic drugs are prone to reactions such as palpitation, shortness of breath, and red and dry cheeks after drinking alcohol. For patients with insulin, drinking alcohol on an empty stomach can easily cause hypoglycemia. Therefore, for the safety of the patient, it is better not to drink alcohol.

People with diabetes should eat less or no fruit. Because fruits contain more carbohydrates, mainly glucose, sucrose, and starch. The speed of digestion and absorption after eating can quickly lead to an increase in blood sugar, which is detrimental to diabetic patients. Therefore, diabetics generally should not eat more fruits. However, because fruits contain more pectin, which can delay glucose absorption, you can eat less fruit when your condition is stable. When eating fruits, choose fruits with low sugar content.

The amount of cholesterol in the diet should be limited. When the condition of diabetic patients is not well controlled, serum cholesterol may easily rise, leading to diabetic vascular complications, diabetic coronary heart disease, etc. Therefore, diabetic patients should limit the intake of cholesterol in their diet. It is generally recommended that the cholesterol limit be less than 300 mg per day.

Diabetes itself is not a serious disease, but it can cause a series of complications, so you should pay attention to your diet in your daily life. Diet therapy is a conservative treatment to control the development of diabetes. The diet for diabetic patients is generally specified by the attending doctor. When suffering from diabetes, diabetic patients should develop good living habits, stay away from tobacco and alcohol, and be careful not to do physical work.