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Did you soak the lemon slices correctly? What are the functions and effects of drinking lemon water?

2024-03-23 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Put the lemon slices into an airtight container, add honey, add cold water to submerge the lemon slices, cover the container and put it in the refrigerator. The next day, just take out two slices and soak them in water. This can stimulate the rich VC in lemons. One lemon can last about a week. Drinking it regularly can reduce the chance of dark spots and freckles, and whiten your skin!

Hot lemon water can save you for a lifetime! Lemon water is 10,000 times more effective against cancer than chemotherapy!

Lemon~only kills cancer cells

Cut 2 to 3 thin slices of lemon into a cup/container and add hot water. It will turn into "alkaline water" and drink it every day, which is good for everyone.

Hot lemon water can release a bitter anti-cancer substance. This is the latest development in the field of medicine to effectively treat cancer. Please read the following article carefully and judge for yourself whether it is effective.

Lemon is a miracle product used to kill cancer cells. It is 10,000 times more powerful than chemotherapy. It tastes pleasant, and it doesn't cause the toxic side effects of chemotherapy. It affects cysts and tumors. This plant has been shown to be able to cure all types of cancer, 10,000 times better than the chemotherapy drug doxorubicin commonly used in chemotherapy around the world. It slows down the growth of cancer cells. But even more surprising: This type of treatment with lemon extract only destroys malignant tumor cells; it does not affect healthy cells.

Lemon water = blood circulation + calcium

When you have time, make some lemonade and drink it. For one lemon, you need to add one thousand xixi or two thousand xixi of water. Depending on the acidity you like, you can mix it yourself! If you can, don’t add sugar. It’s healthy and beautiful!

Benefits of Lemon Juice

Lemon is highly salty and is considered to be a good medicine for treating all diseases. It can relieve coughs, reduce phlegm, promote body fluids and strengthen the spleen. It is also very helpful for the body's blood circulation and the attraction of calcium. Its rich vitamin C, It can not only prevent cancer, lower cholesterol, food poisoning, eliminate fatigue, increase immunity, delay aging, maintain skin elasticity, and overcome diabetes, high blood pressure, anemia, colds, and osteoporosis. The citric acid and lemon polyphenols in lemon juice can effectively prevent deep vein thrombosis, regulate blood circulation, and reduce the chance of blood clots. It regulates blood pressure when it is too high, and it fights depression, stress and neurological dysfunction.

According to the latest US research report, a balanced intake of vitamin C and vitamin E can help strengthen memory and improve the flexibility of thinking and reaction. It is a dietary reference for modern people to enhance memory. Studies have shown that due to the degradation of blood circulation function, blood circulation in the brain is blocked, which hinders the normal operation of brain functions.

Lemon is a water-soluble vitamin C food with antioxidant effects. Therefore, a glass of lemon juice a day can help maintain memory without any side effects on the body. It is a healthy food that is readily available in daily life.

Improve osteoporosis

The citric acid in lemons can easily absorb calcium and chelate calcium, which can greatly improve the body's absorption rate of calcium, increase the body's bone density, and thereby prevent osteoporosis. Lack of calcium is one of the causes of osteoporosis. The first step to prevent osteoporosis is to improve your diet, which is to eat lemons, grapefruit and tangerine fruits that are rich in vitamin C.

Lemon is very helpful because of its ability to attract blood circulation and calcium to the human body. In addition, the citric acid in lemon juice also has anti-food poisoning effects such as enteritis bacteria, salmonella, enterohemorrhagic coliform 0-157, etc., and can reduce the production of lactic acid, a fatigue substance in the human body.

achieve beauty effect

Lemon can be said to be a fruit for women. Because it can help with pregnancy, it is called "good for mother and child." It can also beautify the skin because its citric acid can remove spots and prevent pigmentation. It is effective when taken internally or externally. Lemon itself is a beauty product, which can promote the secretion of protein decomposition enzymes in the stomach, increase gastrointestinal motility, and help digestion and absorption.