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How to Preserve the Chestnuts Just Picked

2023-07-07 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Chestnuts, also known as chestnuts, are a popular food. There are many kinds of chestnuts. In many areas where chestnuts are grown, people usually harvest fresh chestnuts in autumn for consumption. Fresh chestnuts not only taste good, but also have relatively high nutritional value. However, this kind of chestnut is indeed difficult to store. Below, I will give you a detailed introduction to how to preserve fresh chestnuts.

1. Sand hiding method

First spread a layer of straw on the ground in a cool indoor space, and then spread about 6 cm thick sand. The humidity of the sand should be kneaded into a ball with your hands, and it will disperse when you let go. Then press a layer of chestnut fruit and a layer of sand on the sand ( Each layer is 3-6 cm thick) and stacked alternately. After stacking in this way, spread 6-8 cm of wet sand on top, and cover the top with straw. It is required to turn over and check every half a month. If the sand is dry, spray water appropriately. Chestnuts stored in this way can stay fresh for about 4 months.

2. Sawdust storage method

Choose fresh sawdust with a moisture content of about 30-35%, mix it with chestnut fruits at a ratio of 1:1, and pour it into a brick box surrounded by the number of chestnut fruits in a ventilated and cool room (the ground in the frame must first be Pour a layer of wood chips 4-5 cm thick), then cover it with another about 9 cm of wood chips. During the storage period

Always check the indoor temperature, humidity, ventilation conditions and the status of the chestnuts in the frame. If the temperature is too high or the humidity is too high, timely ventilation is required. When checking, rotten fruits should be removed in time to prevent the spread.

3. Hidden Dharma in the Jar Altar

Put the chestnut fruit into a dry and clean small jar or jar with a narrow mouth (do not use a jar or jar that has been filled with wine). When it is 80% full, stuff straw into the mouth of the jar (jar), and then turn the jar (jar) upside down. On a wooden board or dry ground. This storage method is suitable for small quantities of chestnuts and can be kept fresh until the Spring Festival.

4. Dry storage or hanging storage method

Boil the chestnut fruit in boiling water for 5 minutes or soak the chestnut fruit in clean water for 2-3 days. Take it out and dry it, then put it into a ventilated container (basket, net bag, or perforated plastic bag), and place it on a rack ( Hang) and let it dry. This method can be stored for a long time. The disadvantage is that when the storage time is too long, the chestnuts will lose a lot of water and the flavor will be slightly inferior to fresh chestnuts.