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How to make a beautifying and nourishing soup?

2020-12-05 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Summer is coming, and the weather is getting hotter. Women have also become worried about this, because the heat in summer is high, and the skin is easily oily and irritated, affecting the appearance of the face. Therefore, beautifying and nourishing soup has become a good medicine for ladies. It nourishes the body in summer, and beautification and nourishing soup has become the main topic for ladies. So, how to make a beautifying and nourishing soup? Let me introduce it to the ladies below.

1. Stewed courgette with conch slices

Ingredients: 300 grams of snail meat, 125 grams of zucchini

Seasoning: appropriate amount of stock, a little salt

How to cook zucchini with conch slices

1. Wash the snail meat, wash and cut the zucchini into cubes and set aside.

2. Heat a clean pot, pour in the broth, add zucchini, snail meat, and salt and cook until cooked.

Health-preserving effects: nourishing blood and nourishing the skin

Food Tip: Adding loofah will make this soup more delicious.

2. Sea cucumber and ginger chicken soup

Ingredients: 3 sea cucumbers, 150 grams of chicken legs

Seasoning: 1 section ginger, 4 grams salt

How to make sea cucumber and ginger chicken soup

1. Wash the chicken legs, chop into pieces, blanch in boiling water, remove and set aside; slice the ginger.

2. Cut the sea cucumber from the abdomen, wash the coelenteron, cut into large pieces, blanch and remove.

3. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot and bring to a boil. Add the chicken pieces and ginger slices and bring to a boil. Turn to low heat and simmer for about 20 minutes. Add the sea cucumber and continue to simmer for 5 minutes. Add salt to taste. Serve.

Health-preserving effects: nourishing blood and nourishing the skin, beautifying the face and hair, nourishing the blood and moisturizing the skin, nourishing qi and nourishing the blood, nourishing the kidneys and strengthening the essence.

Tips for making soup: If using dried sea cucumber, soak it in hot water.

Beauty and beauty soups are relatively easy to make, especially the above-mentioned soup with scallops and zucchini and sea cucumber and ginger chicken soup. They are easy to use and can be learned in no time. If ladies want to improve their craftsmanship, they should learn a few specialties. Beauty and beauty soup, do it yourself, beauty and beauty depends on yourself. Although nourishing is good for the body, it should not be excessive. It is best to stop it in moderation.