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Benefits of harvesting fruits in autumn

2024-01-25 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Maybe we harvest fruits all year round, and we can eat different fruits in different seasons. Fruits harvested in autumn are rich in water, especially sweet, and taste particularly good. Many people are eating a lot of fruits. Eating some fruits can effectively supplement the vitamins we lack in the body and can effectively improve our own physical fitness. Let us learn about the benefits of fruits harvested in autumn.

1. Skin care: Fruit is rich in antioxidant vitamin E and trace elements, which can nourish the skin. Its beauty effect is not comparable to ordinary cosmetics.

For example: Apples are rich in carotene, vitamins, iron and other nutrients. They also contain more microplate elements - magnesium. These substances are beneficial to the skin's ruddy, shiny and elastic appearance. Among them, vitamin C can inhibit the production of melanin

Formation and prevent melanin from settling in human skin.

2. Slow down aging: In addition to the nutrients we know, fruits are also rich in a large number of natural plant compounds. These substances can regulate the activity of detoxifying enzymes and improve hormones

Metabolism, has antibacterial and antiviral abilities, and plays a role in delaying aging. Such as: kiwi fruit. It is rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E and essential trace elements for the human body, especially the amino acids it contains,

It can help the body produce hormones and slow down aging.

3. Prevent diseases: Because fruits contain many vitamins and trace elements, they can also be used to prevent diseases. Like oranges. Oranges have a sweet and sour taste and are cool in nature. They have the effects of appetizing, regulating qi, quenching thirst and moisturizing the lungs. They have certain therapeutic effects on thirst, dry throat, indigestion, dry cough without phlegm, and can also prevent cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

4. Lower blood pressure: Fruit prevents and treats cardiovascular disease, and can inhibit the growth of strong carcinogens nitrosamines and cancer cell proliferation, and produce certain enzyme activities. Data analysis, fruit can

Improve digestion, improve myocardial function, and regulate the acid-base balance in the human body.

Like hawthorn. Hawthorn can prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases, dilate blood vessels, strengthen the heart, increase coronary blood flow, improve heart vitality, excite the central nervous system, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, soften blood vessels, and have diuretic and sedative effects; prevent

Treat arteriosclerosis, anti-aging and anti-cancer effects.

Everyone must pay close attention to the benefits of fruits harvested in autumn. Eating more fruits is of great benefit to us and can greatly help us replenish what we need in the body. You can try it. It can help us a lot. To improve your physical fitness, everyone must develop a good habit of eating more fruits.