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Can Yali stewed with rock sugar and Yali stewed with rock sugar cure cough?

2024-01-16 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

There are many varieties of pears on the market now, including golden pears, fragrant pears, sand pears, snow pears, Ya pears, etc. Today we will focus on the Ya pear. The Ya pear is commonly known as the Ba pear because its shape is like a small gourd. Many people Yali is called Baoli. Yali is grown in many places in the northern region. The tree is thick and strong. The branches of the current year are yellowish brown and the branches of many years are dark brown. The pear is crispy and sweet.

Yali can be eaten directly. It is juicy, delicious and nutritious. Yali also has certain medicinal value. Common people are most familiar with the fact that Yali can cure dry cough, which is a cough caused by the dry climate in autumn. You can use pear stewed with rock sugar to relieve the pain. The specific Yali Stewed with Rock Sugar is as follows:

[Composition] 2 Sydney pears, appropriate amount of rock sugar.

[Method] Put the cored and sliced ??snow pear into a clay pot with rock sugar and Sichuan scallops, add a small amount of water, simmer for 30 minutes, and then it is ready to eat.

[Function] Clears the heart and moistens the lungs, clears away heat and promotes fluid production. It is suitable for people with dry throat, thirsty, red face and red lips, or dry cough with thick phlegm. In autumn, the climate is dry, so most children can use it as a daily drink.

[Suggestions] 1. It is best to take twice a day, half a time. If you can't finish it, put it in the refrigerator and continue eating it next time. 2. Usually you can also add white fungus, honey and a few candied dates to cook together. 3. If you like it lighter, put some water in the bowl, or you can leave it alone. 4. The steaming time is also your own habit. If the steaming time is shorter, the pears will be crisper, and if the steaming time is longer, the pears will be softer.

[Note] 1. The rock sugar must be stewed until it melts! 2. Pears can remove heat and clear the lungs, but they have cold properties on the stomach. This can be easily avoided by using rock sugar to stew pears and rock sugar to steam pears. 3. Choose quality Okay, pears without spots, preferably fresh and juicy ones. 4. The difference between rock sugar stewed pears and rock sugar steamed pears is that the former requires some water, while the latter does not. The method is the same.

Yali itself is a very delicious fruit. The peel is greenish-yellow, the core is small, and the flesh is delicate. Many people like to eat it, especially the elderly and children, because they have bad teeth and can move and chew. of movement. Yali stewed with rock sugar has a very good auxiliary therapeutic effect on coughs. If the cough is not very serious, Yali stewed with rock sugar can be used.