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Is it good for babies to drink milk on an empty stomach in the morning?

2024-01-17 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Many children habitually drink milk after getting up in the morning, sometimes with some slices of bread, but most of the time they drink milk alone on an empty stomach. Although milk has high nutritional value, it is good for the physical development of young children. There will be many benefits, but drinking a large amount of it on an empty stomach for a long time will also cause some obvious discomfort to the gastrointestinal tract of young children, and they can easily make them sleepy.

1. Drinking milk in the morning will make you sleepy. Because milk is very rich in calcium, and calcium can relieve nervous tension, milk also contains L tryptophan, a biochemical that makes people feel tired and drowsy, and also contains trace amounts of morphine-like substances. These chemicals Certain sedative-hypnotic effect. However, the morning is the time when we need to have strong energy to work. If we are drowsy, it will inevitably affect the efficiency of our work. Therefore, it is not a good idea to only drink milk before going to work.

2. Lactose intolerance. The physiological characteristics of Asians are different from those of Europeans and Americans. Some Asians are lactose intolerant. This is because the lactose in milk cannot be absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, causing gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhea. Some people also experience bloating after drinking milk. ,Very uncomfortable. Drinking milk on an empty stomach will worsen the condition, so it is best not to drink milk on an empty stomach.

3. Waste of energy. There are three sources of energy in the human body. The first source is carbohydrates, the second source is fat, and the third source is protein. We usually eat carbohydrates for breakfast to meet the caloric needs of our body. Therefore, steamed buns, steamed buns, rice porridge and noodles are what we must eat for breakfast, and milk contains a lot of protein. If you drink milk on an empty stomach, the milk will be regarded as calories and will be consumed by the body quickly, without providing any benefit to the body. It has the effect of replenishing energy. Therefore, drinking milk on an empty stomach in the morning is a waste of energy.

However, although there are some disadvantages to drinking milk on an empty stomach, it is easy to correct it. You can choose to drink a glass of milk in the morning, eat a piece of bread and a boiled egg, which is rich in snooze compounds and has enough protein. , and a certain amount of minerals, which is a very nutritious breakfast. If you can drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice or eat a piece of fruit, it will add a certain amount of vitamins, including calories, energy, and trace amounts, which is nutrition. The most balanced breakfast.

Therefore, when giving milk to young children in the morning, it is best to pair it with other foods, such as biscuits, bread, etc. Try to avoid giving milk to young children on an empty stomach. You can also choose to drink milk one to two hours after breakfast. Drink an appropriate amount of milk at all times, and try to allow children to eat a variety of foods to help balance nutrition.