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How to make cornmeal. Complete illustration of how to make cornmeal.

2023-12-31 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Corn is very common in life. There are many types of corn. You can choose corn according to your own preferences. The most common ones are sticky corn and sweet corn. They are very different in taste and color. , and the nutrients they contain are also different. Sweet corn contains a lot of sugar, protein, and fat, so you should eat it in moderation. How about making cornmeal?

How to make cornmeal? There are many ways to use it. Before choosing it, you should have a good understanding of it. When used in this way, it will not cause any harm to all aspects of the human body.

How to make cornmeal:

Cornmeal steamed cake


Ingredients: 200g corn flour, 300g white flour

Accessories: appropriate amount of red beans, appropriate amount of yeast, appropriate amount of water


1. Put 300g of white flour in a basin, then add 200g of cornmeal, add an appropriate amount of yeast powder, add an appropriate amount of sugar, and stir evenly.

2. Add the cooked red beans.

3. Slowly add warm water and stir with chopsticks to form a fluffy consistency.

4. Knead into dough.

5. Put a wet drawer cloth on the curtain, place the mixed dough on the drawer cloth, cover it, and leave it in a warm place to ferment.

6. The risen noodles have grown a lot and covered the entire curtain.

7. Put it in a steamer and steam it for about half an hour.

8. Cut into small pieces and eat.


1. Red beans must be cooked first.

2. If you like sweet food, you can add more sugar.

cornmeal pancakes


Ingredients: 400 grams of cornmeal (white),

Accessories: 200 grams of soybean powder,

Seasoning: 1g baking powder, 60g peanut oil


1. Pour cornmeal and soybean flour into a basin, mix well with warm water, add baking powder and mix well, cover with a cloth and let it sit for about 1 hour.

2. Spread peanut oil on the bottom of the inner wall of the pressure cooker. After heating, divide the corn dough into small pieces. Knead each piece into a round shape between your hands. Place it flat on the bottom of the pot and press dry with your hands to form a pancake shape. , after the pot is filled with prepared pancakes, cover the pot and add the high-pressure valve. After 2 to 3 minutes, open the pot and carefully pour some boiling water into the gaps between the pancakes until the water reaches half of the pancakes. Cover it. Cover and add the valve. After a few minutes, if you can no longer hear any noise from the pot, remove the valve and switch to low heat. After the water vapor is released, you can shovel it out.


Food conflicts:

Cornmeal (white): Avoid eating corn with snails, otherwise it will cause poisoning; try to avoid eating it with oysters, otherwise it will hinder the absorption of zinc.

Through the above introduction, I also have a good understanding of how to make cornmeal. Making cornmeal pancakes and steamed cakes are both good choices. They have good effects on human nutrition supplement, but when choosing corn, the food is also Don't mix them randomly, especially for snails. They can't be eaten together.