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How do "white-bone spirits" who are under high work pressure replenish their nutrition?

2024-01-22 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Modern white-collar workers have high work pressure, fast pace of life, and obvious mental demands, especially in big cities. This phenomenon is particularly prominent. Therefore, reasonable and timely supplementation of brain nutrition is particularly important for modern white-collar workers. So how should these "white bone essences" supplement their nutrition? Now let the editor tell you how to supplement nutrition in the most scientific and effective way.

First of all, the supply of amino acids that nourish the brain nerves must be sufficient. The free amino acid content in brain tissue is highest with glutamic acid, followed by taurine, and then aspartic acid. The content of taurine is extremely high in shellfish foods, and glutamic acid is relatively abundant in grains. Beans, sesame seeds, etc. are rich in glutamic acid and aspartic acid, so you should eat more of them.

In addition, the supplement of phospholipids plays an important role in the function of brain nerves. Soybeans and fish are rich in phospholipids, which can help enhance memory. If you are a female white-collar worker, during the menstrual period, you will lose a lot of iron along with the loss of red blood cells. Therefore, women should supplement more iron than men to increase hemoglobin content, supply oxygen to the brain, and increase the efficiency of mental work. They can eat more of it in daily life. Beef, pork belly, spinach, dates, etc.

Another prominent problem among modern white-collar workers is poor sleep, often suffering from insomnia and excessive dreams, especially those under high stress. In terms of preventing insomnia, traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes "sleep the heart first, then the eyes." If you want to fall asleep peacefully, you must first calm down your "mind" after going to bed, calm down, get rid of messy thoughts, and at the same time eliminate the anxiety about insomnia. In addition, dietary therapy is also one of the essential auxiliary treatments. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine and modern nutrition, we recommend eating more millet, lotus seeds, milk, longan, jujube, Ganoderma lucidum, lily, etc. to make porridge, sugar water or soup to assist sleep.

Among them, millet has the effects of strengthening the stomach, harmonizing the spleen, and inducing sleep. Research has found that millet is rich in tryptophan, which can promote the nerve cells of the brain to secrete a neurotransmitter that makes people sleepy - serotonin, which can temporarily inhibit the brain's thinking activities and make people feel sleepy. Lotus seeds also have the effect of nourishing the mind and calming the mind. "Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine" says it can cure "drowsiness at night and excessive dreams". Studies have shown that lotus seeds contain lysinine, rutin and other ingredients, which have a sedative effect.

Milk is well-known as an ideal tonic. Drinking a cup of warm milk before going to bed can effectively induce people to fall asleep, which is especially suitable for the elderly. Jujube and longan meat can appetize and benefit the spleen, nourish the heart and increase intelligence, soothe the mind and nourish the blood. They are suitable for people with heart and spleen deficiency and insomnia. Ganoderma lucidum has the nourishing and strengthening effects of nourishing heart qi, tonifying kidney qi, replenishing essence qi, and has sedative and analgesic effects. The "Illustrated Book of Chinese Medicinal Plants" believes that Ganoderma "can cure neurasthenia and insomnia". Therefore, whether you have insomnia due to deficiency of the heart and spleen, or insomnia due to yin deficiency and excessive fire, it is suitable for consumption.

In addition, people with frequent insomnia should also pay attention to eating less spicy and irritating foods, such as peppers, spirits, coffee, strong tea, cocoa, etc. These items can easily excite people, accelerate the occurrence of neurasthenia, and aggravate insomnia. Fried foods, fatty meats, glutinous rice and other foods that are not easy to digest should not be eaten too much. If they remain in the stomach for too long, they will also affect sleep.

The normal activities of the brain and body depend to a large extent on the quality of the food required. White-collar workers should pay attention to nutrition and dietary balance, assist in brain-building dietary therapy, quit smoking, alcohol and other bad habits, and strengthen physical exercise to ensure that they have sufficient energy. Energetic and healthy body to be qualified for the work undertaken.