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Do you get angry after eating cold noodles? What are the nutritional values ?of cold noodles?

2020-11-02 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Getting angry in the body is a common phenomenon in life. It not only causes constipation but also prone to oral ulcers and other diseases. The impact on health is very great. If it can be avoided to a large extent by adjusting the diet, will eating cold noodles cause getting angry?

Nutritional value of cold noodles

Mainly contains protein, fat, carbohydrate and other nutrients.

Do you get angry after eating cold noodles?

Eating cold noodles will not cause internal heat.

Choosing the right diet according to your own physical condition can avoid some problems in your body. The above is an introduction to whether eating cold noodles will make you angry, so that you can feel more at ease when eating cold noodles.