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What are the benefits of eating kelp? The nutritional value of kelp, kelp efficacy and role

2020-08-27 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

The nutritional components of kelp

  • heat quantity(kilocalorie)
  • 12
  • fat(gram)
  • 0.1
  • protein(gram)
  • 1.2
  • carbohydrate(gram)
  • 1.6
  • dietary fiber(gram)
  • 0.5
  • thiamine(mg)
  • 0.02
  • calcium(mg)
  • 46
  • riboflavin(mg)
  • 0.15
  • magnesium(mg)
  • 25
  • niacin(mg)
  • 1.3
  • iron(mg)
  • 0.9
  • manganese(mg)
  • 0.07
  • vitamin E(mg)
  • 1.85
  • zinc(mg)
  • 0.16
  • Carotene(mcg)
  • 2.2
  • potassium(mg)
  • 246
  • phosphorus(mg)
  • 22
  • retinol equivalent(mcg)
  • 94.4
  • sodium(mg)
  • 8.6
  • selenium(mcg)
  • 9.54

Kelp, also known as kelp and cabbage. A kind of brown algae that grows on rocks on the seabed. It is shaped like a belt, with broad blades and tapered tips. It is generally 2 to 4 meters long and 20 to 30 centimeters wide (the kelp that grows on the seabed is smaller, 1 to 2 meters long). meters, 15-20 cm wide). The whole body of kelp is olive brown, which turns into dark brown or black brown after drying, with white powder attached. Contains a large amount of iodine and can be used to extract iodine, potassium, etc. Kelp is known as "longevity vegetable", "sea vegetable" and "iodine-containing champion". From the perspective of nutritional value, it is a health-care and longevity food.

What are the benefits of eating kelp? The nutritional value of kelp, the efficacy and role of kelp

1. Nutritional components of kelp

Kelp is a vegetable with high nutritional value. Each hundred grams of dried kelp contains: 8.2 grams of crude protein, 0.1 grams of fat, 57 grams of sugar, 9.8 grams of crude fiber, 12.9 grams of inorganic salts, 2.25 grams of calcium, and 0.15 grams of iron. As well as 0.57 mg of carotene, 0.69 mg of thiamine (vitamin B1), 0.36 mg of riboflavin (vitamin B2), and 16 mg of niacin, it can emit 262 kcal of heat. Compared with spinach and rapeseed, in addition to vitamin C, its crude protein, sugar, calcium, and iron contents are several times or dozens of times higher.

2. Nutritional value of kelp

Kelp is a kind of seaweed with high iodine content, generally containing 3 to 5‰ of iodine, and up to 7 to 10‰. The iodine and alginic acid extracted from it are widely used in medicine, food and chemical industry. Iodine is one of the essential elements for the human body. If you lack iodine, you will suffer from goiter. Eating more kelp can prevent and treat this disease, prevent arteriosclerosis, and reduce the accumulation of cholesterol and fat. Eating too much kelp can induce iodine hyperthyroidism. Although iodine can inhibit the release of thyroxine, it cannot inhibit the synthesis of thyroxine. Therefore, long-term use of iodine is detrimental to hyperthyroidism.

What are the benefits of eating kelp? The nutritional value of kelp, the efficacy and role of kelp

3. Medicinal value of kelp

The sodium alginate in kelp has the effect of preventing leukemia and osteoarthritis; it also has a hemostatic effect on arterial bleeding. Oral administration can reduce the absorption of the radioactive element strontium-90 in the intestines. Sodium alginate has antihypertensive effects. Kelp starch has the effect of lowering blood lipids. In recent years, an extract of kelp has also been found to have anti-cancer effects. Kelp mannitol is effective in treating acute renal failure, cerebral edema, Japanese encephalitis, and acute glaucoma. People with spleen and stomach deficiency should eat less.

4. The efficacy and function of kelp

Kelp is extremely rich in iodine, which is the main raw material for the synthesis of thyroxine in the body, and the luster of hair is due to the action of thyroxine in the body. Therefore, eating kelp regularly can make your hair fluttering. Iodine can stimulate the pituitary gland, reduce estrogen levels in women, restore normal ovarian function, correct endocrine disorders, and eliminate the hidden dangers of breast hyperplasia. Kelp gum can promote radioactive substances in the body to be excreted with stool, thereby reducing the accumulation of radioactive substances in the human body and reducing the incidence of radiation diseases. Kelp contains a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids and dietary fiber, which can remove cholesterol attached to blood vessel walls, regulate the intestines and stomach, and promote the excretion of cholesterol. The rich calcium contained in kelp can reduce the body's absorption of cholesterol and lower blood pressure. These three substances work synergistically to achieve a better blood lipid lowering effect.

5. Diet taboos of kelp

1 Suitable for the crowd: Most people can eat it; Applicable amount: 15 to 20 grams per time is appropriate, and the daily intake of pregnant women and lactating mothers should not exceed 20 grams.

2. Kelp is cold in nature and should not be eaten by those with spleen and stomach deficiency. Patients with hyperthyroidism should not eat kelp. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not eat too much kelp, because the iodine in kelp can enter the fetus (infant) through blood circulation, causing thyroid dysfunction in the fetus (infant). Do not drink tea immediately after eating kelp (tea contains tannic acid), and do not eat sour fruits immediately (sour fruits contain plant acid). Because kelp is rich in iron, the above two foods will hinder the absorption of iron in the body.

6. Warm reminder

Due to the current global water pollution, kelp is likely to contain toxic substances - arsenic. Therefore, it should be soaked in clean water for two to three hours before cooking, and the water should be changed once or twice in the middle. But do not soak for too long, no more than 6 hours at most, to avoid excessive loss of water-soluble nutrients.

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