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What are the functions and functions of hawthorn tablets? What are the functions and functions of drinking hawthorn tablets soaked in water?

2023-11-11 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Although we often eat hawthorn, we don’t pay too much attention to the calories in hawthorn slices. In fact, hawthorn not only contains more nutrients, but also contains calories, which can provide the energy needed for our body's circulation. This heat is also converted and utilized in our bodies. At the same time, these are also one of the functions and effects of hawthorn.

In fact, most foods contain calories, especially hawthorn, because hawthorn slices contain more calories. Therefore, the heat contained in hawthorn slices can be recycled by our human body. These are very beneficial to our human body. How many calories are there in hawthorn slices?

Hawthorn is also known as red fruit and mountain fruit red. Each 100 grams of hawthorn contains 389.11 kilojoules (93 kcal), 2.0 grams of crude fiber, 0.8 grams of protein, 0.2 grams of fat, and 22.1 grams of carbohydrates. Hawthorn can "eliminate meat accumulation". Modern research has proven that hawthorn has obvious digestive effects, especially in eliminating meat accumulation. Hawthorn not only promotes digestion, but also has the effects of losing weight and lowering blood lipids.

30 to 40 grams of hawthorn can be taken as a decoction without adding sugar. Drinking it regularly can help you lose weight.

Hawthorn slices are a kind of food made from hawthorn, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and appetizing. The product is a round slice with bright color, uniform thickness and moderate texture. The sugar content is 85%, the reducing sugar content is 9%, and the total acid is 1.5%. It is also rich in nutrients such as protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamin C. It can stimulate the appetite, aid digestion, and lower blood pressure after eating. Blood lipids and other effects.

We know that hawthorn slices are still very high in calories and play an important role in the nutrients they contain. At the same time, it also has many effects on promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and is also very effective on appetizing, so whether it is hawthorn or hawthorn slices, it will become our nutritious food and have a therapeutic effect.