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Persimmon Sugar Wolfberry Chestnut

2023-07-07 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Persimmons and chestnuts are foods that people harvest in autumn, while wolfberry is a skin care product with very good health effects. These foods are relatively popular with the public, and eating them regularly has a great impact on human health. It has great efficacy and effect and can improve people's immunity. Below, I will give you a detailed introduction to the nutritional value of persimmons, wolfberries and chestnuts.

1. Nutritional value of persimmons

Persimmon is a fruit that people like to eat. It is sweet, delicious and nutritious. Many people also like to eat frozen persimmon in winter, which has a unique taste. Persimmons have high nutritional value, containing about 1-2 times more vitamins and sugar than ordinary fruits. If a person eats one persimmon a day, the vitamin C intake can basically meet half of the daily requirement. Therefore, eating some persimmons is very beneficial to human health. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it is sweet, cold and slightly astringent, and returns to the lung, spleen, stomach and large intestine meridians. It has many functions such as moistening the lungs and reducing phlegm, clearing away heat and promoting fluid production, astringing the intestines to stop dysentery, strengthening the spleen and benefiting the stomach, promoting fluid production and moisturizing the intestines, cooling blood and stopping bleeding. But persimmons are cool and should be eaten less. It is rich in trace elements such as carotene, riboflavin, and vitamins.

2. Nutritional value of wolfberry

Wolfberry is rich in carotene, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, calcium, iron and other essential nutrients for eye health, so it is good at improving eyesight, so it is commonly known as "eye-brightening child".

Doctors in the past dynasties often used wolfberry to treat dim vision and night blindness caused by liver blood deficiency and kidney yin deficiency. The prescription Qiju Dihuang Pills uses wolfberry as the main drug. Folks also commonly use wolfberry to treat chronic eye diseases. Steamed egg with wolfberry is a simple and effective dietary treatment.

Wolfberry leaves contain betaine, a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, etc. Studies have confirmed that there are as many as 20 kinds of amino acids, and the total amount is more than ordinary wolfberry. It is effective for vaginal leakage, heat poisoning, sores and swelling, etc.

3. Nutritional value of chestnuts

Chestnut has high nutritional value, sweet and aromatic, containing 51-60% starch, 5.7-10.7% protein, 2-7.4% fat, sugar, starch, crude fiber, carotene, vitamins A, B, C and calcium. , phosphorus, potassium and other minerals, up to 98% of the nutrients available for human body absorption and utilization. Calculated based on ten pieces, the calories are 204 calories and the fat content is less than 1 gram. It has the lowest fat content among shelled fruits. It is widely used in food processing, cooking banquets and non-staple food. Chestnuts are suitable for eating raw or fried. Chestnuts stir-fried with sugar and mixed with roasted chicken have a delicious aroma. They can be ground into powder and can also be made into a variety of dishes, pastries, canned foods, etc. Chestnuts are easy to store and keep fresh, which can extend the market supply time. Chestnuts are mostly grown on hillside areas and are known as "health food" abroad. They are high-quality fruits that strengthen the stomach, nourish the kidneys and prolong life.