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What is the nutritional value of eggs?

2020-08-27 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

The nutritional components of Chicken

  • heat quantity(kilocalorie)
  • 167
  • fat(gram)
  • 9.4
  • protein(gram)
  • 19.3
  • carbohydrate(gram)
  • 1.3
  • thiamine(mg)
  • 0.05
  • calcium(mg)
  • 9
  • riboflavin(mg)
  • 0.09
  • magnesium(mg)
  • 19
  • niacin(mg)
  • 5.6
  • iron(mg)
  • 1.4
  • manganese(mg)
  • 0.03
  • vitamin E(mg)
  • 0.67
  • zinc(mg)
  • 1.09
  • vitamin A(mcg)
  • 48
  • cholesterol(mg)
  • 106
  • copper(mg)
  • 0.07
  • Carotene(mcg)
  • 1
  • potassium(mg)
  • 251
  • phosphorus(mg)
  • 156
  • retinol equivalent(mcg)
  • 69
  • sodium(mg)
  • 63.3
  • selenium(mcg)
  • 11.75

Eggs are a type of nutritional supplement. They are a typical shell food, mainly divided into eggshells, egg whites and egg yolks. Eggs are one of the best sources of nutrition for humans. Eggs contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals and proteins with high biological value. For humans, eggs have the best protein quality, second only to breast milk. The calories contained in an egg are equivalent to the calories of half an apple or half a cup of milk, but it also has 8% phosphorus, 4% zinc, 4% iron, 12.6% protein, 6% vitamin D, 3 % vitamin E, 6% vitamin A, 2% vitamin B, 5% vitamin B2.4% vitamin B6. These nutrients are essential for the human body, and they play extremely important roles, such as repairing human tissues, forming new tissues, consuming energy, and participating in complex metabolic processes.

What nutritional value do eggs have? What are the nutritional values ??of eggs?

1. Nutritional composition of eggs

According to analysis, every 100 grams of eggs contains 12.8 grams of protein, mainly ovalbumin and ovalbumin, which contain 8 essential amino acids for the human body and are very similar to the composition of human protein. The absorption rate of egg protein by the human body can be as high as 98%. . Each hundred grams of eggs contains 11 to 15 grams of fat, which is mainly concentrated in the yolk and is easily digested and absorbed by the human body. The yolk is rich in lecithin, sterols, lecithin, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, and vitamins D and B vitamins. These ingredients are very helpful in improving the function of the nervous system. Therefore, eggs are a better brain food.

2. Nutritional value of eggs

1. Brain-building and intelligence-enhancing

The lecithin, triglycerides, cholesterol and vitellin in egg yolk have a great effect on the nervous system and physical development. When lecithin is digested by the body, it releases choline, which can improve memory in all age groups.

2. Protect liver

The protein in eggs has a repairing effect on liver tissue damage. The lecithin in egg yolk can promote the regeneration of liver cells. It can also increase the amount of human plasma protein and enhance the body's metabolic and immune functions.

3. Prevent and treat arteriosclerosis

American nutritionists and medical workers use eggs to prevent and treat atherosclerosis, and have achieved unexpected and amazing results. They extract lecithin from eggs, walnuts, and pig liver, and give 4 to 6 tablespoons to cardiovascular patients every day. After 3 months, the patient's serum cholesterol dropped significantly and satisfactory results were achieved.

4.Prevent cancer

Eggs contain more vitamin B2, which can decompose and oxidize carcinogens in the human body. Trace elements in eggs, such as selenium and zinc, also have anti-cancer effects. According to an analysis of human cancer mortality worldwide, cancer mortality was found to be inversely proportional to selenium intake.

5. Delay aging

Eggs contain almost all the nutrients needed by the human body. One of the life-extending experiences of many long-lived people is to eat an egg every day. Many health-preserving medicinal diets spread among Chinese people are also inseparable from eggs. For example, Polygonum multiflorum boiled eggs, eggs boiled pig brains, egg porridge, etc. If eggs are processed into salted eggs, the calcium content will increase significantly, from 55 mg per 100 grams to 512 mg, which is about 10 times that of fresh eggs. It is especially suitable for people who want to supplement calcium.

6.Maintain skin

Eggs are also rich in iron. 100 grams of egg yolk contains 150 mg of iron. Iron plays a role in hematopoiesis and transporting oxygen and nutrients in the blood. The rosy beauty of a person's face cannot be separated from the iron element. If there is insufficient iron, it can lead to iron deficiency anemia, making the person's face look sallow and the skin loses its beautiful luster. It can be seen that eggs are indeed one of the important foods to maintain skin beauty.

3. Dietary taboos on eggs

Egg yolk contains a lot of cholesterol, which can be as high as 1510 mg per 100 grams. Therefore, many people, especially the elderly, are wary of eating eggs, fearing that eating eggs will increase cholesterol and lead to atherosclerosis. In recent years, scientists have found that although eggs contain more cholesterol, they are also rich in lecithin. After lecithin enters the blood, it will make the particles of cholesterol and fat smaller and keep them in a suspended state, thereby preventing the deposition of cholesterol and fat on the blood vessel walls. Therefore, scientists believe that if elderly people with normal cholesterol eat 2 eggs a day, the cholesterol in 100 ml of blood will increase by up to 2 mg, which will not cause arteriosclerosis. But you should not eat too much. Eating too much will not be good for gastrointestinal digestion, cause waste, and increase the burden on the liver and kidneys.

4. Usage and dosage of eggs

It is advisable for each person to eat 1 to 2 eggs every day, which is beneficial to digestion and absorption and can meet the needs of the body.

5. Eggs are suitable for people

Eggs are an ideal natural food for human beings, and we should also pay attention to science when eating them. For the elderly, it is better to boil, lie down, steam, or throw eggs when eating eggs, because although fried, stir-fried, and deep-fried are delicious, they are more difficult to digest. For example, after eggs are processed into salted eggs, their calcium content will increase significantly, from 55 mg per 100 grams to 512 mg, which is about 10 times that of fresh eggs. It is especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people with osteoporosis.

6. Life tips

It should also be reminded that you must not eat raw eggs. Some people think that eating raw eggs is nutritious. This view is unscientific.

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