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The efficacy and role of white radish. How to treat cough with white radish.

2023-11-18 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

As the old saying goes, eating radish in winter is better than eating ginseng. Although white radish is a vegetable, the effects and functions of eating more white radish in an appropriate amount are indeed helpful to people's health, especially in medicine. Eating white radish is of great help to people's health. We might as well learn more about the effects of white radish in our diet.

White radish is a vegetable and a medicine with traditional Chinese medicine properties. In terms of the efficacy and function of white radish, eating more white radish can better enhance people's respiratory system and help treat coughs and phlegm. It's a lot, so it's best to chop it into pieces and fry it with honey and chew it carefully; for pharyngitis, tonsillitis, hoarseness, and aphonia, you can pound the juice and take it with ginger juice; for nosebleeds, you can pound the juice raw and drink it hot with a little wine, or you can pound the juice. For nose drops and hemoptysis, it can be cooked and eaten with mutton and crucian carp; to prevent colds, it can be cooked and eaten.

The effect of white radish on the urinary system: for food accumulation, bloating, indigestion, and poor appetite, you can drink raw juice; for nausea and vomiting, general vomiting of sour water, and chronic dysentery, you can chop it into pieces, fry it with honey, and chew it carefully; for constipation, you can For cooking and oral ulcers, you can make juice and rinse your mouth. For various urinary tract stones and poor urination, you can use sliced ??honey and roast them orally; for all kinds of edema, you can use radish and floating wheat decoction to take it.

Other functions of white radish: beautification, can be cooked; beriberi, decoction for external washing; detoxification, hangover or gas poisoning, can be used, or the leaves can be decoctioned for drinking; joint relief, can be boiled.

After knowing the efficacy and function of white radish, we still need to bring you an obvious suggestion, that is, eating white radish is not suitable for those with weak spleen and stomach, such as those with loose stools. The use must be reduced, otherwise it will cause harm to people's health.