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How to properly match nutritious meals

2023-11-19 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Three meals a day is what each of us must face every day. Nowadays, living conditions are getting better and better, and technology and transportation are also very developed. Unlike in the past, we could only eat seasonal vegetables. Nowadays, vegetables are available all year round. It can be bought, even if it is not a local specialty, it can be easily bought. The range of food can be said to be getting wider and wider, but when we eat, we must also pay attention to the reasonable combination of nutrition.

Three meals distribution

According to the energy distribution of three meals a day, it is more reasonable to have breakfast account for 25% to 30%, lunch to account for 35% to 45%, and dinner to account for 30% to 35%. Of course, it can also be adjusted appropriately according to the life and work schedule of each place. Modifications.

To achieve reasonable nutrition, the diet must be properly prepared to meet the requirements for various nutrients. Each country proposes recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) for people of different ages and genders based on their own circumstances, living habits, and food production and supply.

Nutritional ratio for age

Food and nutrient supply amounts and ratios suitable for various situations (age, gender, physiological conditions, labor load, health status, etc.). Only reasonable nutrition can maintain the normal physiological functions of the human body, promote health, growth and development, improve the body's working ability, resistance and immunity, and is conducive to the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Otherwise, obstacles will occur in these areas and may lead to nutritional deficiencies or overnutrition diseases (obesity, atherosclerosis, etc.). According to modern nutrition research, various nutrients needed by the human body are divided into six categories, namely protein, fat, sugar (carbohydrate), inorganic salts (including trace elements), vitamins and dietary fiber. Not only are there requirements for these nutrients in quantity, but there should also be an appropriate ratio between each nutrient.

Properly prepare meals

To achieve reasonable nutrition, meals must be prepared rationally to meet the requirements for various nutrients. Each country proposes recommended dietary supplies for various age and gender groups based on their own circumstances, living habits, and food production and supply ( RDA), based on this recommendation as a standard for evaluating people's proper nutrition. Chinese people mostly eat cereals as their staple food and have a tradition of making full use of soybeans and their products. Research has proven that the protein in cereals and beans mixed with food can play a complementary role and is beneficial to human health. In terms of grain processing, China has implemented standard rice (92 meters) and standard noodles (85 noodles) since the early 1950s. Practice has proven that this is effective in the prevention and treatment of vitamin B deficiency disease ─ beriberi, so you should not eat more refined white rice. , fine white noodles.

A reasonable combination of nutrition is very important for our physical health, especially for children who are in the growing stage. Only a scientific and reasonable combination of nutrition can allow children's bodies to grow better. Different groups of people and different Different physiques also have different requirements for nutrition. We should first understand ourselves and our physique, and then develop a reasonable diet for ourselves.