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9 post-meal habits that will kill you

2023-11-19 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

9 post-meal habits that will kill you

9 post-meal habits that will kill you

eat fruit after meal

Many people like to eat some fruit after meals, thinking that this is good for clearing the mouth. In fact, this is a wrong living habit. Eating fruit immediately after a meal will affect digestive function. Because when food enters the stomach, it takes 1-2 hours to be digested and slowly eliminated. If you eat fruit immediately after a meal, the fruit will be blocked by the food eaten before and cannot be digested normally.

Drink strong tea after meals

Tea contains a lot of tannic acid. Drinking strong tea after a meal will combine the undigested protein you just consumed with the tannic acid to form a precipitate, which will affect the absorption of protein. The substances in tea will also hinder the iron element. If you develop the bad habit of drinking strong tea after meals for a long time, it can easily cause iron deficiency anemia; in addition, drinking tea immediately after meals will cause a large amount of water to enter the stomach, which will also dilute the digestive juice secreted by the stomach, thereby affecting the stomach. Digestion of food.

drive after meal

Due to the need for digestion after a meal, most of the blood is concentrated in the stomach, and the brain is in a state of temporary ischemia. At this time, driving can easily lead to operational errors and car accidents. Therefore, it is safer to drive one hour after a meal.

Drink water after meals

Drinking water immediately after a meal will dilute the gastric juice, causing the food in the stomach to enter the small intestine before digestion, weakening the digestive capacity of the gastric juice, and easily causing gastrointestinal diseases. If you drink soda after a meal, it is even more harmful to the body. The carbon dioxide produced by the soda can easily increase intragastric pressure, leading to acute gastric dilatation.

Karaoke after dinner

The stomach capacity increases and the blood flow increases just after eating. Singing at this time will cause the diaphragm to move downward and increase the abdominal pressure, which may cause indigestion in mild cases and other symptoms such as gastrointestinal discomfort in severe cases. Therefore, it is best to sing karaoke about an hour after a meal, after the food has been digested normally, or simply sing first and then eat.

Take a shower after a meal

There is a common saying among the people: "When you are full and hungry, you have to shave your head." This is also an incorrect living habit. Taking a bath after a meal will increase the blood flow on the body surface and reduce the blood flow in the gastrointestinal tract accordingly, thus weakening the digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract and causing indigestion.

Smoking after meals

Some people believe that "a cigarette after a meal is better than a living god." In fact, this approach is extremely harmful to the human body. Because the human body's gastrointestinal motility is very frequent after a meal, the blood circulation is also accelerated, and the digestive system begins a comprehensive exercise. If you smoke at this time, the absorption of smoke by lungs and body tissues will be greatly enhanced, causing a large amount of harmful components in smoke to be absorbed, which will have a strong stimulating effect on the respiratory and digestive tracts, which will undoubtedly bring adverse effects to human body functions and tissues. Smoking is much more harmful.

"Hundred-step walk" after dinner

"Walking a hundred steps" after a meal will not only prevent you from living "ninety-nine", but will also affect the absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract due to the increased amount of exercise. Especially the elderly, whose heart function decreases and blood vessels harden, may experience a drop in blood pressure if they take a walk after a meal.

Loosen your belt after a meal

Many people feel overstuffed after eating too much and often loosen their belt buckles. Although this makes their stomach comfortable, it will cause a drop in intra-abdominal pressure and force the stomach to ptosis. If things go on like this, you will suffer from true gastroptosis.