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What are the specific effects and functions of Schisandra chinensis?

2024-02-08 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

For everyone, you may have heard of Schisandra chinensis in life. This same material is considered a very common medicinal material in life. It is also commonly used in many medicinal wines. Although it is used by everyone, it does not mean that the specific understanding of this medicinal material is very detailed. So when you really need it, you will find that there are constant problems. At this time, many people want to know the specific effects and functions of schisandra chinensis with wine?

Schisandra chinensis is generally divided into southern schisandra chinensis and northern schisandra chinensis, both of which can be used medicinally. And the effect is remarkable.

Schisandra chinensis has the main functions of astringing the lungs, astringing essence, nourishing the kidneys, promoting fluid production, and reducing sweating.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, it can astringe the lungs and relieve coughs. It can be used for cough and asthma caused by deficiency of the lungs and kidneys. It is often combined with kidney-tonifying drugs;

It can also be used to treat nocturnal emissions, chronic diarrhea, dry mouth due to insufficient Yin fluid, night sweats and other symptoms. It can be used as a tonic for all shock and collapse caused by the dissipation of Qi and blood.

Schisandra chinensis is rich in organic acids, vitamins, flavonoids, plant sterols and lignans. It is one of the few medicinal materials that can benefit essence, qi and spirit. Schisandra chinensis has an stimulating effect on all levels of the five nervous system centers. It also has a stimulating effect on the respiratory system, so it can be used to relieve coughs and eliminate phlegm; because lignans have strong restorative effects, Schisandra chinensis can also reduce fatigue and fatigue.

In addition to lowering blood pressure, Schisandra chinensis also has choleretic effects and reduces serum aminotransferases;

The adaptogen effect of Schisandra chinensis is similar to that of ginseng; Schisandra chinensis can enhance the body's defense against non-specific stimuli;

It increases cellular immune function and significantly enhances SOD activity in the brain, liver, and spleen, so it has the effects of improving immunity, antioxidant, and anti-aging.

Schisandra chinensis also has a very good antibacterial effect, and has inhibitory effects on common Staphylococcus aureus, Pneumoniae, Salmonella enterica, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc. It can be said to be a medicinal material with many effects.

Although Schisandra chinensis can lower blood pressure and blood lipids when soaked in water, it is harmful to the stomach, so it is not suitable for long-term drinking. Generally, you need to stop drinking for a while before continuing.

Schisandra chinensis can also be used to make wine. The wine made with schisandra chinensis has the effect of protecting the five internal organs of the human body - the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. Regular drinking can enhance the body's immunity. However, it cannot be consumed continuously. The drinking time must be arranged reasonably to achieve the health care effect.

Schisandra chinensis, like other medicinal materials, also has some taboos when taking it:

1. Traditional Chinese medicine says that people with external evils and excess heat internally, or those with the first onset of cough or rash should avoid taking it.

2. "Compendium of Materia Medica" says: You should avoid coughing when you feel cold at the beginning, for fear that it will become bunched up and linger. If the liver is strong, swallowing acid should be avoided, as it may harm the wood and damage the earth.

3. "Compendium of Materia Medica" also says: It is contraindicated to use Scutellaria baicalensis to relieve heat after the first onset of scabies and when all drinking is stopped. If there is irritability in the liver and excessive heat in the lungs.

Modern clinical studies have found that Schisandra chinensis has no obvious toxicity, but some patients have stomach burning, pantothenic acid and stomach pain after taking the medicine.

There are reports that someone taking Schisandra chinensis once caused abnormal sinus heart rate. The clinical manifestations were palpitation, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and electrocardiogram showing sinus tachycardia, accompanied by qualitative premature beats. The symptoms were relieved after emergency treatment.

In addition, some people suffer from respiratory depression due to decoction.

Therefore, long-term users should pay attention not to use it continuously. It's better to stop using it for a while.

Through the above detailed introduction to the specific effects and functions of Schisandra chinensis, you should also know that Schisandra chinensis is actually divided into different regions. Similarly, there are certain differences in the effects due to different regions. That is Because this requires more understanding from everyone to help the body become healthier.