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What are the benefits of eating pine nuts? Nutritional value, efficacy and functions of pine nuts

2020-09-12 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

The nutritional components of Pine nuts

  • heat quantity(kilocalorie)
  • 640
  • fat(gram)
  • 62.6
  • protein(gram)
  • 12.6
  • carbohydrate(gram)
  • 6.6
  • dietary fiber(gram)
  • 12.4
  • thiamine(mg)
  • 0.41
  • calcium(mg)
  • 3
  • riboflavin(mg)
  • 0.09
  • magnesium(mg)
  • 567
  • niacin(mg)
  • 3.8
  • iron(mg)
  • 5.9
  • vitamin C(mg)
  • 25
  • manganese(mg)
  • 10.35
  • vitamin E(mg)
  • 34.48
  • zinc(mg)
  • 9.02
  • vitamin A(mcg)
  • 7
  • copper(mg)
  • 2.68
  • Carotene(mcg)
  • 2.8
  • potassium(mg)
  • 184
  • phosphorus(mg)
  • 620
  • retinol equivalent(mcg)
  • 3
  • selenium(mcg)
  • 0.63

Pine nuts are rich in nutrients such as high-quality protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, inorganic salts, etc., which can promote gastrointestinal digestion, moisturize the skin, nourish the stomach and spleen, etc. Pine nuts are also popular among consumers because of their good nutrition and effects. One of the most popular fruits.

What are the benefits of eating pine nuts? Nutritional value, efficacy and functions of pine nuts

Introduction to pine nuts

Pine nuts, also known as sea pine nuts, are the seeds of pine trees and are a good medicinal material in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. They are rich in nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates and fats. The most famous types of pine nuts are mainly two types, namely Northeastern pine nuts and Brazilian pine nuts. Brazilian pine nuts have also introduced science and technology into traditional craftsmanship, so they have a special taste, including fragrant and crispy. Northeastern pine nuts have a natural and mellow taste. Pine nuts contain a variety of nutrients necessary for the human body, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. According to ancient books, ancient people often used pine nuts as medicine to treat diseases such as insufficient kidney function and insufficient qi and blood. It can be seen that their nutritional value and medicinal value are very high. .

Nutritional value of pine nuts

Pine nuts have extremely high nutritional value. They are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic acid and linoleic acid, which help to reduce blood lipids and prevent cardiovascular diseases. They are rich in high-quality protein, which is beneficial to improving the body’s immune function. , the rich minerals it contains can promote our physical fitness, maintain bone health, etc.

According to measurements, every 100 grams of raw pine nuts contains 567 mg of magnesium, which can promote the body's nerve regulation, enhance muscle endurance, protect our intestines, participate in protein and fat metabolism in our body, and increase our basal metabolic rate. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that pine nuts are rich in oil and various nutrients. In addition to moisturizing the five internal organs, they can also be used to improve hair quality and keep our hair black and shiny.

Pine nuts are extremely nutritious. Every 100 grams of raw pine nuts contains the following nutrients:

The efficacy and function of pine nuts

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that pine nuts have the effects of nourishing the kidneys and qi, nourishing the blood, smoothing the intestines and laxatives, moistening the lungs and relieving coughs.

1. Tonify the kidneys and replenish qi. Pine nuts are sweet in taste and slightly warm in nature. They have the effect of strengthening yang and replenishing the nutrients needed by bones. In addition, they are rich in oil and nutrients and can also replenish qi and qi.

2. Nourish blood. The minerals and unsaturated fatty acids contained in pine nuts can soften blood vessels, protect blood vessels, promote blood circulation, and nourish blood.

3. Smooth intestines and laxative. Pine nuts are rich in oil. Eating pine nuts can help moisturize the intestines and stomach, promote smooth intestines and stomach, and thus have a good effect of laxative and detoxification.

4. Moisten the lungs and relieve cough. Pine nuts can moisturize dry lungs and replenish the missing nutrients in the lungs, thereby achieving a good effect of relieving cough.

Applicable people for pine nuts

Pine nuts can be eaten by the general population, and are especially suitable for people with arteriosclerosis, weak functions of the five internal organs, coughs with phlegm, constipation and other diseases.

Taboos on eating pine nuts

Special groups of people, such as those suffering from diarrhea, spleen deficiency, excessive phlegm, obesity and other diseases, should not eat pine nuts to avoid aggravating the condition and being detrimental to their health.

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