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How to make vegetable pimple soup

2023-12-30 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

I believe everyone is familiar with vegetable pimple soup. Vegetable pimple soup is a common home-cooked dish. The ingredients used in vegetable pimple soup are very simple. We only need to use low-priced ingredients such as flour, rapeseed and tomatoes. We only need a few simple steps to make vegetable pimple soup, but the nutritional value of vegetable pimple soup is actually very high, so vegetable pimple soup is a very cost-effective home-cooked dish. Let’s take a look at the recipe of vegetable pimple soup below. introduction.

The pimple soup can be made into a vegetarian vegetable pimple soup or a meaty meat pimple soup. Pimple soup made with eggs, meat, etc. is especially suitable for mental workers and can supplement protein. For those who are weak and have poor digestive function, a light and vegetarian pimple soup is more suitable. It is mainly composed of eggs, lettuce, and tomatoes. It is colorful, increases appetite, and is rich in nutrients and is conducive to digestion and absorption. Vegetables contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber, which can change the acidic physique caused by eating more animal foods and help enhance the body's immunity. Vegetarian pimple soup is also more suitable for people who have a loss of appetite or often have social events and drinks, while pimple soup containing meat will increase the burden on the liver.

raw material:

Flour, soup stock, potatoes, rapeseed, fungus, yellow flowers, tomatoes, eggs, salt, dark soy sauce, vinegar, pepper, Sichuan pepper powder, water.


1. Wet the prepared flour with a small amount of water, stir it constantly with chopsticks, then cut it with a knife on the cutting board, and chop it into small pieces. Soak the yellow flower fungus in warm water, wash and finely chop. Wash and chop tomatoes and green vegetables, peel and wash potatoes, and cut into pieces;

2. Add half of the water to the prepared stock (the stock I used is boiled lamb bone soup), bring to a boil over high heat, and sprinkle the prepared gnocchi into the soup, stirring as you do so to avoid sticking. After the pot boils for the second time, add all the vegetables. Season and add salt, pepper, Sichuan peppercorns, and dark soy sauce, stir well, and cook over low heat;

3. Finally, beat the eggs and pour in. Turn off the heat. Just add an appropriate amount of vinegar before eating.

In the above article, we introduced a common home-cooked dish, which is vegetable pimple soup. We know that vegetable pimple soup is not only simple to make, but also rich in nutrients. Regular consumption of vegetable pimple soup can improve human immunity. The above gives us a detailed introduction to the recipe of vegetable pimple soup.