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How to make pasta pimple soup?

2020-11-25 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

I believe everyone is familiar with pimple soup. Pimple soup is a common pasta. Pimple soup not only tastes good, but also contains very rich nutrients. Regular consumption of pimple soup can improve human immunity and balance nutrition. There are many ways to make pimple soup. We can use different ingredients and add flour to make a variety of delicious pimple soup. Below we will introduce to you two ways to make pimple soup.

Pimple soup is a home-cooked soup whose main ingredient is flour. The soup in pimple soup can be water or rib soup, fish soup, bone soup, etc. From a dietary health perspective, pimple soup is more suitable for dinner because pasta is easy to digest.

Practice one

[Ingredients Preparation]: Flour, eggs, tomatoes, vinegar, salt, chopped green onion, sesame oil, ginger slices.

[Production steps]:

1. Add appropriate amount of water, heat up the pot.

2. Cut tomatoes and ginger slices into pot and bring to boil.

3. Beat the eggs and set aside.

4. Use a bowl or small basin to add an appropriate amount of flour, add an appropriate amount of beaten egg liquid into the flour, use chopsticks or hands to mix the dough into a dough shaped like wheat grains, large wheat beans, and then cook it in a pot. Add an appropriate amount of vinegar. , salt, chopped green onion and sesame oil are ready to eat.

Method 2

[Ingredients Preparation]: 200g flour, 1/2 green onion (about 200g), 50g eggs, some green vegetables, 1 teaspoon salt (5g), 1 teaspoon chicken essence (5g), 1/2 teaspoon white pepper (3g)

[Production steps]:

1. Wash the white radish and cut into thin strips. Stir-fry it with oil in a pot, add water and salt.

2. While waiting for the water to boil, prepare the gnocchi. Put the flour into a bowl, add a little cold water, and stir with chopsticks to make the flour form small lumps. This is very important. The lumps should be small to taste better. You can tear the larger lumps into small pieces.

3. When the water boils, add the gnocchi into the pot and stir the gnocchi soup with a spoon to prevent it from sticking to the bottom.

4. Add seaweed and green vegetables. When the pot is almost ready, add salt, chicken essence and some white pepper to enhance the flavor.

In the above article, we introduced a common soup, which is pimple soup. We know that pimple soup not only tastes good, but also has many ways to make it. The above article introduced us in detail two ways to make pimple soup. I believe you all You have it all figured out now.