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Do you get angry after eating pistachios? What are the nutritional values ?of pistachios?

2020-11-06 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

We all know that many foods are rich in nutritional value and eating them regularly has many benefits for the body. However, some foods can easily cause internal heat once eaten too much. Let’s find out whether eating pistachios will cause internal heat?

Nutritional value of pistachios

1. Pistachio kernels contain vitamin E and other ingredients, which have anti-aging effects and can enhance physical fitness; 2. Because pistachios are rich in oil, they have a laxative effect and help detoxify the body.

Does eating pistachios cause internal heat?

Eating too much pistachios will cause you to get angry. Practice has proven that eating too much pistachios can lead to symptoms such as toothache, pimples, etc.

The above is an introduction to whether eating pistachios will cause you to get angry. I hope my friends can adjust their diet. In addition, no matter what kind of food you eat, you should not eat it often. You should pay attention to a balanced diet.