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What is more nutritious food for pregnant women?

2020-11-08 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Women after giving birth are relatively fragile in all aspects, including not only the psychological aspect but also the physical aspect. Therefore, during the period of taking care of the mother, she must eat more nutritious food. So what is more nutritious for the mother? First, make some food that suits the taste of the mother. Second, of course, make food with nutritional value. What are the foods that meet the above two requirements? Let’s find out together.

During the period of confinement, the mother's diet is particularly important. If you eat properly, it will have great benefits for both the mother and the baby. So, what kind of diet is suitable for postpartum women and is conducive to their recovery?

On the first day after delivery, the mother's physical strength has not yet recovered. To prevent indigestion, she should avoid eating foods that are high in fiber and animal fat. She should also not eat "lactating" foods such as crucian carp and pork rib soup. Because the baby does not eat much at this time, if the mother has too much milk, it will easily accumulate and cause mastitis. It is best for pregnant women to eat liquid or semi-liquid foods that are light, easy to digest, and rich in nutrients, such as egg soup, millet porridge, noodles, milk, etc. Five days after delivery, if the mother's appetite is normal, she can eat more chicken, meat, fish, eggs and other foods to increase nutrition; she should also eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, which will help speed up the body's recovery and promote milk secretion. If the baby is breastfed and there is plenty of milk, the mother's food intake can be slightly increased compared to the pregnancy period, up to 1/5; if the mother's milk production is just enough for the baby, the mother's food intake can also be the same as during pregnancy. Yes; if the mother has no milk or is not prepared to breastfeed, her food intake should be similar to that during non-pregnancy.

Although postpartum diet is particular, the combination of meat and vegetables is also very important. The richer the variety of foods the mother eats, the more balanced and comprehensive the nutrition will be. In addition to identifying foods that are not good for the body and may cause allergies after eating, pregnant women should eat as many types of meat and vegetable dishes as possible.

Nutritional needs of new mothers

Mothers consume a lot of energy during childbirth, which requires timely replenishment of calories. In addition, under normal circumstances, mothers will lose 100 to 300 ml of blood during delivery. If the delivery process does not go smoothly, the mother's physical exertion and blood loss may be greater. Therefore, in the early postpartum period, the mother will feel tired, pale, prone to sweating, and her gastrointestinal function will also tend to be disordered, and she will be prone to symptoms such as loss of appetite, hunger, no desire to eat, and tasteless food. In addition, milk secretion will also consume calories. and nutrition. At this time, if the maternal nutrition is not properly prepared, it will not only affect physical recovery, but also affect the baby's lactation and growth and development. In addition, mothers need to have plenty of energy to take care of their babies, and they also need to have enough milk to feed their babies. Therefore, mothers at this time need to reasonably supplement calories, protein, vitamins and minerals.

What is more nutritious food for pregnant women? This is not a difficult question, because from the past to the present, every woman has to go through the experience of giving birth, so there are many people who are more experienced. In addition, women who have just given birth should not think about losing weight immediately, as this will be harmful to the body. It has great disadvantages, because many people’s bodies have not fully recovered after giving birth, and it is difficult to get sufficient nutrition, and there are major problems in all aspects.