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The top five junk snacks in the eyes of nutritionists

2023-10-29 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

It’s alarming how deeply ingrained junk food is in our lives. Some of the junk foods listed below have common characteristics: they have very few nutrients and a lot of energy; or they contain a lot of food additives; they even contain harmful substances that can cause cancer.

1. Pie

Both egg yolk pie and chocolate pie are typical artificial foods, "delicious" foods prepared with a large number of various additives.

A small piece of pie, "synthesized" from nearly 30 kinds of raw materials! There are hydrogenated oils (containing trans fatty acids, which are harmful to the cardiovascular system), sweeteners, preservatives, emulsifiers, leavening agents, flavors, pigments, thickeners, and antioxidants—it’s simply a hodgepodge of food additives.

We can seem to say that this is not adding "additives" to food, but adding food to "additives"!

2.Potato chips

No matter how high-end or expensive the potato chips are, they are all fried and processed, destroying the original nutrients in the potatoes;

Potato chips must use many additives to keep them crispy, and many consume hydrogenated vegetable oil (containing trans fatty acids, which are harmful to heart health);

Fried potato chips and fries contain more carcinogen acrylamide.


It is another typical artificial food, almost entirely made with additives and without any natural food ingredients.

Although some add a small piece of fruit pulp as a guise, it's better than nothing.

4. Ham sausage

The bright color, elastic texture, meaty taste, and acceptable protein content have nothing to do with pork!

Color agents, preservatives, spices, meat skin, offal, pig blood, soy protein isolate... are all stuffed into various casings, giving you the feeling of meat, but not giving you meat. nutrition!

5. Fried crispy snacks

If it is a piece of candy, maybe many people think it is bad. But what if the candy wrapper is wrapped with a small piece of fragrant and crispy fried pastry? My reaction was to just throw it in the trash.

This kind of deep-fried snack has no nutrition at all, but also provides trans fatty acids, a lot of energy, spices, colorings, and other various additives-it might as well be eating a piece of candy!