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What are the nutritional recipes for early pregnant women?

2024-01-23 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Early pregnancy is generally from the first day of pregnancy to the third month, which is the early pregnancy period. During this period, due to the increase in hormone levels in the body of pregnant women, pregnant women will experience vomiting and indigestion. Sometimes the adverse reactions of early pregnancy are also It will lead to malnutrition, so during this period it is necessary to provide nutrition for two people, which requires us to establish a good diet.

Nutritional needs of pregnant women in early pregnancy 1: Calcium

Milk or various beans are rich in calcium. Women in early pregnancy are prone to headaches, dizziness, drowsiness and other early pregnancy reactions. These are caused by calcium deficiency, so you can add more dried fish, Nostoc or various beans. It is particularly important to note that calcium deficiency in the fetus in the abdomen will lead to poor bone and tooth development after birth, so adequate calcium intake in early pregnancy is very important.

Nutritional needs of pregnant women in early pregnancy 2: Iron

For women, iron is an indispensable nutrient whether during pregnancy or at ordinary times. Foods rich in iron include fresh vegetables, animal offal, eggs, whole wheat bread, lean meat, etc. In early pregnancy, various pregnancy reactions can easily lead to iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women and fetuses, so nutritious meals in early pregnancy should be Eat more iron-rich foods.

Nutritional needs of pregnant women in early pregnancy three: vitamins and folic acid

Various vitamins and folic acid are nutrients that pregnant women need very much. In the early stages of pregnancy, pregnant women are prone to nausea, insomnia, cramps and other pregnancy reactions. They can use animal liver, yeast, etc. many times to alleviate them. Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables can supplement the various vitamins needed by the human body and prevent constipation from causing posterior uterine position.

For early pregnancy, since it is the key to fetal development, malnutrition must be avoided. Pay attention to eating small meals frequently. If vomiting occurs and the discomfort is relieved, continue to eat light food. Otherwise, In addition, you should also pay attention to maintaining a good mood during pregnancy and pay more attention to relaxing yourself every day.