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How to save the middle-aged life when people encounter a mid-life crisis and become fatter and fatter

2024-03-18 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Once many people reach middle age, they will find that they are getting fatter and fatter. In fact, there are many reasons for obesity in middle-aged people, whether it is related to diet or lack of exercise. The most important thing is changes in lifestyle. caused. Let’s find out more with

Why do people become more and more obese when they reach middle age?

First, one’s own physiological factors

Because once a person reaches middle age, that is to say after entering the age of 30, the functions and activities of various organs in the body will slowly decline, showing a downward trend, so the various metabolisms of the human body will also As a result, your ability will decrease, and your muscles will gradually become flabby and no longer as powerful as you were when you were young. If there is less muscle in the body, the calorie consumption will also be reduced, and gradually the accumulation of fat will become more and more.

Second, sports factors

Once a person reaches middle age, whether it is internal mental work or external physical work, they will gradually decrease. In addition, they will also use their brains a lot less and walk a lot less, not to mention fitness exercises. , because the body's activities are not very flexible, so in order to avoid injury, they will naturally not do too many fitness activities. Over time, it will reduce body fat consumption, which will make your body slowly gain weight.

Third, spiritual reasons

We often say that people with a generous heart tend to be fatter. Generally, their careers will be stable around the age of 30, and their lives will slowly begin to calm down. Then they will start eating well, drinking well, and sleeping. increase.

These aspects will cause our spirit to slowly act on the nerves in our body, and the nerves will begin to act, causing abnormal secretions in our body, resulting in too little fat consumption in our body, making it easier to accumulate more fat in the body.

For this we can start to make some exercise plans:

First, customize a fitness plan that suits us

If you want to persist in exercising, then the plan is very important. It cannot be a three-minute heat. This is definitely not advisable. Therefore, customizing a fitness plan that suits you is very important for us to exercise.

Second, develop good living habits

Good living habits are very important. For example, eating healthily and developing the habit of walking more after eating can consume our excess energy and have certain benefits for the body.

Most people will start to gain weight once they reach middle age, which is what we call getting fat. So if you want to maintain a healthy body and a good figure, you must do these things.

The following aspects should be paid attention to in middle-aged diet:

Eat more calcium-rich foods

Such as milk, kelp, soy products and fresh vegetables and fruits, which are effective in preventing osteoporosis, preventing anemia and lowering cholesterol.

Control total calories and avoid obesity

As adipose tissue gradually increases in middle-aged people and muscles and active tissues decrease relatively, the daily caloric intake of middle-aged people should be controlled at 7,500 to 8,370 kilojoules. Only in this way can the weight be controlled within the standard range. It has been confirmed by data and clinical observations. The more overweight a middle-aged person is, the greater the chance of death. According to statistics, for people aged 40 to 49 whose body weight exceeds 30%, the mortality rate in middle age is 42% for men and 36% for women. And obese people are susceptible to cholelithiasis, diabetes, gout, hypertension, coronary heart disease and certain cancers. Therefore, arranging the diet of middle-aged people to prevent obesity is of great significance to health care.

Keep protein in moderation

Protein is the basic substance for human life activities. It is an important component of human tissue, such as enzymes that play a catalytic role in metabolism, antibodies that resist diseases, and hormones that promote physiological activities are all derivatives of proteins. Protein also plays a role in maintaining the body's fluid balance, acid-base balance, transporting substances, and transmitting genetic information. Middle-aged people need to consume 70 to 80 grams of protein every day. Among them, high-quality protein should be no less than 1/3. Milk, eggs, animals, lean meat, fish, poultry, beans and soy products are all rich in high-quality protein. Soybeans and their products are rich in plant protein and are very beneficial to middle-aged and elderly people. Since the body's protein is consumed every day, the daily protein intake should be balanced. This is good for delaying the degenerative enlargement of the digestive system.

Limit sugar appropriately

Some people have sugar cravings or the habit of eating a lot, which should be restricted after middle age. Eating too much sugar will not only lead to obesity, but also due to reduced pancreatic function after middle age. If you eat too much sugary food, it will increase the burden on the pancreas and easily lead to diabetes. Therefore, in addition to the daily supply of carbohydrates, it is not advisable to eat more sweets. After limiting too much sugar and feeling that you are not eating enough, you can eat more fruits and vegetables that contain less sugar and more fiber. These substances can also promote intestinal peristalsis and cholesterol clearance. Eating sweets when suffering from digestive diseases can also promote gastric acid secretion and worsen symptoms.

Eat a diet low in fat and cholesterol

It is advisable for middle-aged people to limit their daily fat intake to about 50 grams. Vegetable oil is the best fat, because vegetable oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, which can promote the metabolism of cholesterol and prevent arteriosclerosis, including the arteries of the digestive organs. Animal fat, offal, fish roe, squid and shellfish contain a lot of cholesterol. Eating too much can easily induce cholelithiasis and arteriosclerosis.