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Can broccoli and pork liver be used to cook porridge?

2023-11-17 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

The nutritional components of Broccoli

  • heat quantity(kilocalorie)
  • 33
  • fat(gram)
  • 0.6
  • protein(gram)
  • 4.1
  • carbohydrate(gram)
  • 2.7
  • dietary fiber(gram)
  • 1.6
  • thiamine(mg)
  • 0.09
  • calcium(mg)
  • 67
  • riboflavin(mg)
  • 0.13
  • magnesium(mg)
  • 17
  • niacin(mg)
  • 0.9
  • iron(mg)
  • 1
  • vitamin C(mg)
  • 51
  • manganese(mg)
  • 0.24
  • vitamin E(mg)
  • 0.91
  • zinc(mg)
  • 0.78
  • vitamin A(mcg)
  • 1202
  • copper(mg)
  • 0.03
  • Carotene(mcg)
  • 0.7
  • potassium(mg)
  • 17
  • phosphorus(mg)
  • 72
  • retinol equivalent(mcg)
  • 90.3
  • sodium(mg)
  • 18.8
  • selenium(mcg)
  • 0.7

I believe everyone knows that the liver is an important organ in the animal body that stores nutrients and detoxifies. It is rich in nutrients and has nutritional and health care functions. It is one of the most ideal blood supplements. So, there are many benefits of eating pork liver, so what foods should not be eaten together with pork liver? What are the dietary taboos for this type of food? Let me introduce it to you below.

Pork liver is rich in iron and phosphorus, which is an indispensable raw material for hematopoiesis. Pork liver is rich in protein, lecithin and trace elements, which is beneficial to children's intellectual and physical development.

Pork liver is rich in vitamin A. Regular consumption of pork liver can gradually eliminate eye diseases. According to modern medical research, pig liver has a variety of anti-cancer substances, such as vitamin C, selenium, etc., and the liver also has strong anti-cancer ability and special anti-fatigue substances. The liver is an organ that stores nutrients.

At the same time, it is also a detoxification organ, constantly exerting its detoxification effect. After metabolism by the liver, toxic substances and detoxification products can be excreted with the secretion of bile and out of the body. Therefore, the normal liver itself is non-toxic and can be eaten with confidence.

What should not be eaten with pork liver? Foods that are incompatible with pork liver

Pork liver and foods rich in vitamin C are incompatible: when fresh pork liver and quail meat are mixed and stir-fried, the ketones that have not lost their activity, other biological nutrients, and trace elements contained in each may undergo complex chemical reactions (the enzyme needs to be heated It is inactivated to a certain extent) and produces some substances that are not beneficial to the human body.

After certain substances enter the human body, they interfere with the metabolism of trace elements (such as iron and copper), affect the formation and activation of certain enzymes, or destroy some necessary vitamins, causing adverse physiological effects and causing pigmentation. The ink dries.

In ancient times, Li Shizhen also recorded this in the "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Eating pork liver and quail produces raw ink." The dried ink means dried and burnt Guizhou black.

Pork liver is incompatible with tomatoes and peppers: Pork liver should not be paired with tomatoes, peppers, edamame and other vegetables rich in vitamin C when fried or made into soups.

Vitamins are easily destroyed when exposed to heat and light, are relatively stable in acidic solutions (pH < 4), and are extremely unstable in neutral and alkaline solutions. Especially in the presence of trace amounts of metal ions (such as copper ions, iron ions, etc.), it is more likely to be oxidized and decomposed. Even trace amounts of copper ions can speed up the oxidation of vitamin C by 1,000 times. Pork liver is rich in copper and iron. Every 100 grams of pig liver contains 2.5 grams of copper and 25 milligrams of iron, which can oxidize vitamin C into dehydroascorbic acid and lose its original function.

Pork liver and cauliflower are incompatible: fried pork liver should not be served with cauliflower. Cauliflower contains a large amount of cellulose. The aldonic acid residues in the fiber can form integrants with trace elements such as iron, copper, and zinc in the pig liver to reduce the body's absorption of these elements.

Pork liver and buckwheat are in conflict with each other: eating them together will affect digestion.

Pork liver and bird meat are in conflict with each other: eating them together can cause indigestion and in severe cases poisoning, which can be treated with mung beans.

Pork liver and bean sprouts are in conflict with each other: The copper in pork liver will accelerate the oxidation of vitamin C in bean sprouts and lose its nutritional value.

Pork liver and broccoli are incompatible with each other: Pork liver contains a lot of trace elements such as copper and zinc, and broccoli contains a large amount of aldonic acid residues. At the same time, eating it can form turtle compounds, which affects the body's response to these substances. absorb.

Pork liver and fish are in conflict with each other: Pork liver contains a variety of biologically active substances. Eating it with pig liver can reduce the nutritional value of pig liver and easily lead to abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Mung bean detoxification method: Boil mung bean juice, wash 200 grams of mung beans, add 500 grams of water, put it in a pot and boil for two minutes, then strain the juice and take it.

The above is some knowledge compiled by the editor about what kinds of foods pork liver cannot be eaten with. I believe everyone understands this, so we should pay more attention to the dietary combination of pork liver in our daily lives. If you accidentally cause food poisoning, you need to be sent to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible if the situation cannot be relieved.