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What are the nutritional values ?of corn?

2023-12-31 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

Corn is one of the common foods in life, also commonly known as millet. The rice grains are golden yellow and taste salty. The important thing is that it has high nutritional value. It can nourish yin and blood, detoxify and nourish the skin, prevent vomiting, etc. It is very healthy for the body and suitable for our regular consumption. The editor below will give you a detailed introduction to the nutritional value of corn, as well as the consumption methods and effects of corn.

The therapeutic value of corn

1. Corn is rich in vitamins B1, B12, etc., which has the effect of preventing indigestion and sores at the corners of the mouth;

2. Corn has the effect of preventing stomach upset and vomiting;

3. It also has the function of nourishing yin and nourishing blood, which can recuperate the weak and cold constitution of postpartum women and help them regain their physical strength;

4. Corn has the effect of reducing wrinkles, spots, and pigmentation.

Diet therapy methods:

Three-flavored corn porridge: Take 50 grams each of Nepeta ears and mint leaves, 150 grams of tempeh, boil in water to get the juice, remove the residue, add 150 grams of corn (white color is better), add water and simmer the porridge together. Take once a day on an empty stomach. It is suitable for those who suffer from slurred speech and comatose state after stroke.

Jujube and Japonica rice porridge: Take 15 grams each of astragalus and ginger, 10 grams each of cinnamon twig and white peony root, add water and simmer to get the juice, remove the residue. Take 100 grams of japonica rice, 4 red dates, add water and simmer the porridge. After the porridge is ready, pour the concoction and mix thoroughly. Once a day. It can replenish qi, unblock meridians, warm menstruation and blood, and can be used to treat the sequelae of stroke.

Four-flavored Japonica rice porridge: Take 9 grams of Gastrodia elata (wrapped in cloth), 15 grams of wolfberry, 7 red dates, and 3 grams of ginseng. Add water to the boil and simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes. Remove the gastrodia elata and jujube cores, add 50 to 100 grams of japonica rice and simmer the porridge together. 2 times a day. Used to treat patients with hemiplegia and hypertension after stroke.

Nepeta and corn porridge: 50 grams each of Nepeta ears and mint leaves, 150 grams each of tempeh and corn. First cook Nepeta ears, mint leaves and tempeh, remove the residue and take the juice for later use. Then add the corn to the concoction, add an appropriate amount of water, and cook it into porridge. Take once a day on an empty stomach. Replenishing the kidneys and dispelling wind. It can assist in the treatment of symptoms such as astringent speech, coma, and crooked eyes and mouth caused by stroke.

According to relevant data, the vitamin E content in corn fat is high, which is beneficial to promoting human endocrine activities; the glutamic acid contained in corn has a brain-building effect; corn silk has good diuresis, blood pressure reduction, hemostasis, and antidiarrhea. It has good effects on treating nephritis, edema, cholecystitis, gallstones, jaundice hepatitis, diabetes, hypertension, hematuria, indigestion and diarrhea, etc.

It is worth mentioning that corn oil. Long-term consumption of corn oil can lower blood cholesterol and soften arteries. It is an ideal cooking oil for patients with arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, fatty liver, obesity and the elderly.

Corn can nourish kidney qi, remove heat in the spleen and stomach, and replenish qi. Chen tastes bitter. It can cure stomach heat, relieve thirst, facilitate urination, stop diarrhea and dysentery, and resolve alchemy and wheat poisoning. Cooking porridge is warm in nature. When feeding newborns, you can grind and cook porridge, such as milk, and feed a small amount every day to help digestion and regulate the stomach. Do not eat with almonds, otherwise it will cause vomiting and diarrhea.

[Corn Porridge]: Wash the corn, add water to make porridge and eat it. It has the effect of nourishing the stomach and quenching thirst. Treat spleen deficiency, less food and thirst. If eaten with brown sugar, it has a tonic effect on postpartum and can cure postpartum weakness.

[Corn Meatballs]: 250 grams of corn, pestle like powder, water and the meatballs are as big as Wuzi, cook until cooked, add a little salt, and swallow with juice on an empty stomach. Treats weak spleen and stomach qi, indigestion, vomiting and regurgitation.

[Corn, yam, and jujube porridge]: 30 grams of corn, 15 grams of yam, and 5 jujubes. Cook porridge and eat. Treats diarrhea caused by weak spleen and stomach and physical weakness caused by insufficient Qi and blood.

The above editor has introduced to you the nutritional value, therapeutic methods and therapeutic effects of corn one by one. I hope you can have a deeper understanding of the edible value of corn. Eating more whole grains in life can promote intestinal digestion and endocrine activities in the body, which is beneficial to good health. But don’t eat too much to avoid causing physical discomfort.