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What are the slimming, detoxifying and nourishing soups?

2023-11-13 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

If we get the beauty and beauty effect in the process of losing weight, then it is the best for a woman. If you want to get such nutrition and effects, you can choose to improve yourself through diet, slimming, detoxification and beauty soup. It can make our body thinner, more beautiful, and more nutritious, and it can also help us clean up our intestines and stomach. These are all good, so what are the slimming, detoxifying and nourishing soups?

1. Kelp and pork ribs soup

Kelp is rich in iodine, which is very helpful for body heat consumption and metabolism, and can achieve the purpose of weight loss and body shape control. The potassium ions rich in kelp can help the body metabolize excess water, eliminate edema, improve fat and modify curves. It is very suitable for girls who are losing weight and shaping their bodies. Therefore, to detoxify and nourish your skin in autumn, drink kelp and pork ribs soup.

Ingredients: 400 grams of pork ribs, 150 grams of kelp, appropriate amounts of green onions, ginger slices, refined salt, rice wine, and sesame oil.

Method: Soak and wash the kelp and cut into thick strips. Cut the ribs into cubes. Heat the pan, add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, heat the oil over medium heat, pour in the ribs, stir-fry until cooked, add 3 tablespoons of rice wine, a little water, and simmer for 5 minutes. When fragrant, put it into a large casserole. Then add kelp, add cold water, submerge to a degree, bring to a boil over high heat, add 1 tablespoon of rice wine, then simmer over low heat for 2 hours, add fine salt to taste, and simmer for another half an hour until the ribs and kelp are crispy Rotten, away from the fire.

2. Seaweed, shrimp and pumpkin soup

Pumpkin is rich in vitamins and pectin. Pectin has strong adsorption properties and can bind and eliminate bacterial toxins and other harmful substances in the body, thus detoxifying and detoxifying. The ingredients contained in pumpkin can promote bile secretion, strengthen gastrointestinal motility, and help food digestion. It is a good weight loss ingredient.

Ingredients: 100g old pumpkin, 10g seaweed, 20g shrimp, 1 egg, 50g mushrooms, 20g fresh squid. Appropriate amounts of soy sauce, lard, rice wine, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, and chili pepper.

Method: First soak the seaweed in water, wash it, beat the eggs into a bowl and mix well, soak the shrimp skin in rice wine, peel and flesh the pumpkin, wash and cut into pieces; then put the pot on the fire, pour in lard, heat it, and put it in Add soy sauce to the pot, add appropriate amount of water, add shrimp skin and pumpkin pieces, cook for about 30 minutes, then add seaweed, after 10 minutes, pour the stirred egg liquid into the pot, add seasonings and mix well.

These soups are soups for losing weight, detoxifying and nourishing the skin. If you want to lose weight, detoxify and nourish the skin, you must strictly require yourself to supplement such soups. There are many types of soups. When you are detoxifying and nourishing the skin, you can choose to use red dates to make soup. Red dates make soup. After drinking it, the beauty benefits are particularly abundant. If you want to lose weight, don’t just choose food to improve your figure. It is best to exercise more.