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How to make fish head, how to make delicious fish head with chopped pepper

2023-11-13 source:internet [ typeface:big medium small ]

It is well known that fish contains a variety of elements that are beneficial to human health. Eating more fish is very helpful in promoting physical health and improving the body's immunity. Especially for those friends who have three high problems, eating fish is a good solution. The best way to reduce the desire to eat meat while avoiding the problem of obesity. Fish can be said to be the most nutritious of all meat foods.

At the same time, we also know that the essence of fish meat is in the fish head. It can be said that the fish head is the most nutritious part of the whole fish. So how to make the fish head in the most delicious way? Let’s share some tips for making fish head. Let’s take a look at the steps to make fish heads.

Clean the fish head, dry it and set aside; heat the pan and pour oil, first add onion, ginger and garlic, when fragrant, fry the fish head in the pan until both sides are slightly browned

2. Add cooking wine, light soy sauce, and dark soy sauce (don’t add too much light soy sauce, otherwise it will be very salty, and don’t add too much dark soy sauce, otherwise the color will be very dark). Pour into boiling water and level the fish noodles

3. Cover the lid and simmer the fish soup over high heat until there is a little bit left (during this time, use a spatula to stir the soup onto the fish head)

4. Sprinkle a small spoonful of white sugar and some chicken essence. Sprinkle with minced green and red pepper and chopped green onion, take out of the pan and serve on a plate

cooking tips

1. Don’t put too much light soy sauce, otherwise it will be very salty, and don’t put too much dark soy sauce, otherwise the color will be very dark.

2. To make this dish at home, don’t buy too big a fish head. Mine seemed to be too big and it was a bit difficult to fry.

3. When buying fish heads, you can ask the boss to kill them freshly. It is best not to buy the pre-killed ones as they may not be fresh.

4. If you like spicy taste, you can add some spicy seasoning when cooking.

The copyright of Braised Fish Head belongs to the author. No one may reproduce or use the whole or any part of it without the author's written permission. How about printing the recipe? After reading so many ways to make fish heads, have you found your favorite way to make fish heads? Eating fish is very helpful in promoting the health of the body, so if you want to have If you want a healthy body, then hurry up and make it for your family to enjoy together.